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GameDay: Gators at Seminoles Saturday, Nov.24 (@Doak/Campbell--Tallahassee)


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OK--that's 7 we robbed ourSELVES of--and possibly another 4 the officials took...I mean, it was called a catch on the field, he had it as he went out, got stripped AFTER crossing the sideline, but they rule it a miss UPSTAIRS< and so quickly?!! (And AGAIN ABC was in-commercial when that ruling came down...this is TERRIBLE coverage!).
Menawhile: YES!!! Gator BALL!!! Inside the FIVE!!! Maybe this is OUR YEAR!!!


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My bad--at the 20--Where's the "HorseCollar" penalty on Purifoy? 1st and goal: Let's drive it IN!


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You know, THAT is KARMA! We got that ball BACK after the fumble RIGHT WHERE THAT CALL ON THE NO-CATCH TOOK PLACE!
Guys, we are getting this DONE on OFFENSE, too...and if we continue like this, we are UNBEATABLE!
I MEAN it...has anyone caught the time-of-possession? It HAS to be BIG in our favor!


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It has gotten very QUIET in Doak...YES!!! INT inside their 30--OH MAN!!!


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NUTS!--I saw the hold there...THIS is our CHANCE to knock them OUT and step on their NECKS...GOTTA get SOME points here though...


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It was a ticky-tack hold there, but I saw the official waiting on it...Now ANOTHER penalty, false start: C'Mon guys, get this DONE, NOW...TERRIBLE call, WAY too long to develop...Now we JUST gotta get back far enough back to get a FG (and we put the CROWD back in it, TOO)..."3rd and 31" after they had it inside their 25? Poor time to start messing around, giving them life...OK: Just get back say, 20 of those yards here and kick the FG...


Gator Fan
sorry for the absence today, got a pharyngitis but watching to awesome Gator game. Glad our Defense showed up as usual and extremely happy to watch our Offense look the way it should have all year. I know the game isn't over, but it feels like it, and we have A LOT to look forward to next year. I'll be back in a few days once I get rid of this gunk, just tired and feel like shit. Giving all i have to cheer at the tv right now. GO GATORS


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Didn't even TRY to get it back...Gues they'll try to pin 'em back and dare THEM to gamble and give it back...


Super Moderator
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sorry for the absence today, got a pharyngitis but watching to awesome Gator game. Glad our Defense showed up as usual and extremely happy to watch our Offense look the way it should have all year. I know the game isn't over, but it feels like it, and we have A LOT to look forward to next year. I'll be back in a few days once I get rid of this gunk, just tired and feel like shit. Giving all i have to cheer at the tv right now. GO GATORS
You're a "trooper", NG--in more ways than one, obviously--glad you're around, Gator. Hang in there--we're ALL hoping this continues...


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We've left some points on the field here in the 1st half...would still like to see us get something here--but I am greedy, not to mention I doubt we'll get another half of such confusion as we've see here from them...and that'll do it for "gettin' something more"...let's just get to OUR adjustments. Don't let them get ANYTHING here, though: They get the ball to start the 3rd, remember, so we need to make sure we end this on a decent note--NO POINTS NOW.


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Really disappointed we didn't get any points even when we started within field goal range after that last interception.
Yep--that was a "give-back" for us...and we should stay OUTTA this "prevent" here...they haven't moved the ball on us since the 1st possession playing them straight up...F*CK! WHERE WAS OUR "D"? Now they get a shot with a 49 yarder..


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Make him at LEAST MISS this 50 yarder....and all they had to do was tackle him anytime sooner to kill this try...
Damn--we HANDED them that.


Gator Fan
Damn it, we dominated the first half and we are only up 10 which is disappointing. Left too many points on the field, especially the last series after the interception.


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All in all, a good half for us...and though that THERE was a six point-swing there (between JD not getting rid of that to avoid the sack, and then the "D" letting things get away from them to give them a shot at that 50 yarder), in a weird way, that ISN'T completely a bad thing from a COACHING POV: You could see that Muschamp is going to go in there and get ON them, BOTH squads, for letting them "hang around"...Now, if we can ONLY dial things up a notch in the 2nd half, this time CONNECT on at least ONE of those long ones and get us up more than 2 TDs, our "D" WILL put this away...

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