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GameDay: Gators at Seminoles Saturday, Nov.24 (@Doak/Campbell--Tallahassee)


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I mean--a decent pass and it's a TD--and Clay doesn't slip and it's a 1st down inside the 10. We just killed our 1st big opportunity--a potential 10-t0-14 pt swing--BUT our defense comes thru here: Do THEY go for 4th and 1 here???


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Well, we ARE out-playing them, got 'em on their HEELS--and they can't be sure WHAT we'll do from here on in--but I'd feel a WHOLE lot better at 10-0.


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I mean: that should have been our quarter every bit as much on the scoreboard as it looked in the action, am I right?
That's both the good news AND the bad news...


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
I would feel better at 6-0 with the field goal, but it was the right time and place for the fake. It essentially worked as a punt, giving them the ball at the 25.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
I agree. We won the first quarter. Three more to go, especially with the second half adjustments coming.


Super Moderator
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Well, we one the first quarter. How many times has that happened this year?
Good point, that...Well, just have to win EVERY quarter here today...one thing is certain: It isn't US who came in "tight" THIS time--and we ARE "up early enough" for this one, too.


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I would feel better at 6-0 with the field goal, but it was the right time and place for the fake. It essentially worked as a punt, giving them the ball at the 25.
Well, you know ME, though: The end-of-quarter break gives me PLENTY of time to dwell on "what could have been"...and we come back to get a bad penalty to make it 3rd and 9 instead of 4...and we do NOTHING with this series...It'll be up to our "D" again (bad time for our 1st penalty).
SH*T--Stop him!!!


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Well, we've just put the CROWD back into it--and that miss-on-the-fake looms larger with the last exchange of kicks (and btw--this ABC coverage is the WORST!--With the sound off, they keep missing getting BACK in time...missed 1 and 1/2 plays when Gators had ir, and are screwing around with it again here...)
Here comes the pass from Moles...


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Note to ALL: This is a crucial Point in this game, RIGHT NOW! We MUST stop this drive and re-establish our dominance, or we'll finb ourselves behind...STOP! God, I LOVE our "D"...Think he kicks it here?


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Be patient. As long as we don't see Will Muschamp eating players on the sideline, I will not worry.


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Could have been MUCH worse. In fact, we have been handed a chance at re-taking momentum by our defense. Just keep 'em guessing the way they were in the 1st quarter-drives--and the next time we get inside their 35, "Throw it to the ENDZONE!"


Gator Fan
These Gators are going to be the death of me yet. They obviously don't know how old I am. I can't take this every week.


Super Moderator
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These Gators are going to be the death of me yet. They obviously don't know how old I am. I can't take this every week.
No Sh*t...Meanwhile, quick throw for 1st down...We are doing our "wear on 'em" thing right now...Gilly only 2...3rd and 4, and normally EVERYONE knows we run here, but maybe NOT...NICE! To Reed! Great poise by JD--and nice pass down inside 40!


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You know, we look BETER than them on offense today so far! ILIKE how this is being called--but sooner or later, you go for the TD...ANOTHER great pass by JD (thought it was a broken play--but no...) Oh NO! Don't put it in the hands of THESE replay guys...WATCH: Even with it ruled a CATCH on the field, they will take this away from us...it's the turning point in the GAME right here...SEE? FG instead--Good--but we were ROBBED!


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
The offense is looking better, but we need to see what the Noles have in store. We also have not seen the Gator second half adjustments.

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