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Urban to OSU?


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
That would be my breaking point with Urban-- him raiding us of coaches, recruits, and current players.


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That would be my breaking point with Urban-- him raiding us of coaches, recruits, and current players.
Until you raised this whole squirming mass of bummers, the whole business of his leaving was mostly something I looked at mainly objectively: I didn't really CARE about his leaving. NOW I'm left hoping the deal falls apart, that somehow the sanctions and rumored new revelations turn out to be too much for him. We NEED the next few months, all the post- and inter-season moves, to go our way.


VIP Member
Him stealing Recruits? Have you seen the Gators play? I'm more worried of seeing Fisher, Holtz, Golden, Richt, Johnson (GT), Sumlin of Houston, and that guy from Temple stealing our recruits than I am Meyer if he takes TOSU job. Plus I hoping the NCAA dropping the hammer on TOSU harder than they did USC (west). Go to NCAA.org, go to contact, and write a letter to the NCAA to get them to hammer TOSU HARD.


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Him stealing Recruits? Have you seen the Gators play? I'm more worried of seeing Fisher, Holtz, Golden, Richt, Johnson (GT), Sumlin of Houston, and that guy from Temple stealing our recruits than I am Meyer if he takes TOSU job. Plus I hoping the NCAA dropping the hammer on TOSU harder than they did USC (west). Go to NCAA.org, go to contact, and write a letter to the NCAA to get them to hammer TOSU HARD.
Well, our current staff has quietly but determinedly been going HARD out there on the recruiting trail, and it appears to be about to pay off, BIG time--IF they can finish strong. They KNOW what is at stake--the future of this program (and hence, THEIR futures)--and made THIS particular class a major priority from the moment they got here. Given not only its timing, the first under their control from beginning to end, who/what is available in terms of playmakers, across the BOARD, and what they had in mind to do here even before they dug in and realized how much work there really was to be done, they did NOT need Urban Meyer with an office in their midst, sneaking around with ears open and wheels turning in his head. All the rest of it, like the persons you named above and so many other factors, they had thus far accounted for and maneuvered around, through or over, and they sure as HELL don't need our FORMER Head Coach, extended every courtesy in his "figurehead" roll (whatever it was) here in our Athletic Offices, turning out to be a scheming interloper the whole time. That's a whole different thing from the normal competition among competing coaches of rival teams.
As for the "Write to the NCAA"-idea, I suppose it can't HURT, but I have little faith it would make one iota of difference in ANYTHING they actually think or do. I suppose if enough persons around the nation, leaving obvious signs of our partisan axes-to-grind OUT of such emails, it MIGHT give the impression of a "growing unhappiness", so I suppose I may do as you suggest. I'll just feel foolish while I do it, and expect no changes as a result, no matter HOW many fellow Gators, SEC-ers, and/or college football fans do the same.


Super Senior Member
If Urban takes the job he will just be looked at as garbage by UF and the rest of the SEC. Hopefully it isn't true and we don't lose coaches.

But hey, let him ruin that program by only recruiting speed.


VIP Member
If Urban takes the job he will just be looked at as garbage by UF and the rest of the SEC. Hopefully it isn't true and we don't lose coaches.

But hey, let him ruin that program by only recruiting speed.

I think the NCAA will wreck the program than Meyer could besides two things wreck the Gators: Mike Pouncey at center (no surprise he mess up snaps in that Thanksgiving game though Matt Moore could have caught the ball) and that guy replacing Dan Mullen both Meyer decisions.


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Flippo, Floppo, Retrahero.
He Flipped, He Flopped, He Fled.
(Nope. It doesn't sound any nobler in Latin.)


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Well, no big surprise by now, but as of 1/2 hour or so ago (ie. "official announcement" shortly after 7:00 am EST), "THE Urban Meyer" is heading to "THE Ohio State", and as far as I am concerned he can KISS THE COLLECTIVE @$$ of "THE Gator Nation".
No need for ME to elaborate: I have been expecting this for some days, something LIKE it somewhat longer, and have made my feelings CLEAR as to how I saw it...My main concern NOW is to what degree he raids our current prospective recruiting class DIRECTLY (the underhanded weasel has had an office in the UF athletic facility and apparently been "monitoring" our staff's efforts in this regard--I mean, THAT "arrangement" was done as a "courtesy" to him by Foley et al, at Meyer's REQUEST: supposedly a low stress way of "keeping my hands in it, still a part of the Gator program and family", it sure looks like the SLEAZIEST sort of "pseudo-cheating" con-job we've seen by a departing ex-coach in a long time, maybe EVER), and INDIRECTLY if/when he takes members of the current Gator coaching staff with him (he doesn't have his "crew" anymore, after all, his "support group", all highly-thought-of coaches in their own right, who went on to Head Coaching jobs--and it can't have escaped his notice how his so-called "genius" slipped away as they did).
OK, I've HAD my say before now...I'm putting THIS thread up mainly for y'all:
Go ahead and vent, rationalize, defend, WHATEVER. I'm not telling ya how to feel, but I AM encouraging folks to "take the gloves off", "let it fly", and so on. We tend to be mainly a somewhat cerebral bunch here at GE most of the time, but I have a feeling THIS time there might be some STRONG FEELINGS around this "development", and it just may be a healthy thing to have a place to just EXPRESS them. Consider it a "Public Service"...


Gator Fan
I hope that OSU realizes that as soon as he burns through that talent pool, he'll probably have "heart" problems again and want to spend time with his family. What a low life, mutha luvin weasel he turned out to be.


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On "The Sports Reporters" Sun. morning, one of them said something along the lines of (trying to get this right), "Urban Meyer MUST be a miracle worker, 'cause in less than a year he managed to completely CURE his own serious stress-related health-disorder, AND seen to it that his children GREW UP and became adults, all in that amazingly short period of time..."


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A person familiar with the situation said Meyer has already offered two of his former assistants -- Florida linebackers coach/special teams coordinator D.J. Durkin and strength and conditioning coordinator Mickey Marotti -- a chance to join his staff at Ohio State.

Can this be ?????

Oh it most certainly "can be" , and IS--turns out he has been angling at this move for some weeks, and has apparently been "around his office" more, "chatting it up" with Mickey and D.J.--You watch, boys, he's gonna grab 'em both AND go after our recruits--he has no honor OR loyalty (the two biggest "pillars" he mentions in all his writings and discussion on the subject of coaching), so what's to stop him? We had a wolf guarding the hen-house, as they say--and it's too late to shoot him! I HATE it, and wish there were rules that we could go after him on, but let's face it: given the state of an already immasculated and damn near irrelevant NCAA, the only possible avenue of retaliation is likely in finding our OWN dirty tricks to pull on HIM. Not only is this really NOT Will Muschamp's way, IMO, but it's the kind of thing you learn only after many years as a Head Coach at ANY rate--but I live in the hope that SOMEHOW there is something we can do to cramp Urban's avalanche-of-sleaze-and-betrayal NOW. Coach Boom's GOTTA be PISSED, back-room, and working his @$$ off trying to limit the damage, getting Foley involved--and maybe even finding the older Weis' experience and connections useful after all, this time in a covert, previously unforeseen but now valuable area of underground, underHANDED coaching "expertise". Ideally, of course, WE wouldn't even know about it, only that somehow we don't lose so much, Meyer just backs off and leaves with maybe Mickey and that's IT, after all.
I have a BAD feeling about this, though. I think we're about to get bent over and DRILLED by "That Respected Dean of Current College Coaching"...our former-coach, "a Gator forever", remember? Start saving your rotten vegetables, and aim them well if you can catch him at the airport on his way out of town "in the middle of the night", which is how these scumbags do it.


VIP Member
Sorry to said especially consider he attend Florida as a student like Spurrier or go to another SEC school again like the Old Ball Coach but when he said take some time off, didn't think that would only be a year plus he back in the job that's more of a pressure cooking than well Florida. I know he won two titles and thank him for it but still this is a slap in the face, something Woody Hayes would do LOL.


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The big story--and the BIG DANGER for US--is what is now starting to surface regarding his ongoing plan, which he began laying the groundwork for MONTHS ago and really "kicked quietly into high gear" in the last few weeks, to take Mickey Marotti and DJ Durken, AND between them take a real serious run at a number of our prized prospective recruits on the way out the door. He has been secretly arranging all of this from his office (and courtesy of his continued access, generously granted him out of supposed mutual trust and loyalty, to the whole athletic department by Foley) during the very period that he was denying any interest in coaching over the last few months.
While the rest of his lies are a pathetic display of his real personality and bankrupt values, THESE moves are no laughing matter. He already "left us high and dry", as you put it, IA, with a team bereft of depth, character, or discipline; NOW he plans on highjacking our hard-won chance at rebuilding and the renewal of hope in Gator Nation. I will NEVER forgive OR forget these efforts on Urban Meyer's behalf to consciously and selfishly ruin us, no matter the actual outcome--but right now, we are fighting for our immediate lives as a program about-to-be-reborn. Coach Boom, along with Foley, and yes, Weis (who has his OWN experience and connections out there, and may well be more experienced in the back-alley aspects of this kind of fight, and the art of "the dirty trick"), must pull out all the stops, push every button and seal this cretin off from our program and his former-access, make the rounds of calls, assistant-visits, dropping innuendoes and everything they know and a few they make UP about this "flakey drama-queen", subtly sliming him in every way at every turn, etc. etc. etc. Do everything possible to shore up this class. In the long run, I truly believe this phony fool will sink his own ship, but he can hurt us BADLY on his way to the bottom, as he completes his historically accurate rendition of "The Benedict Arnold Story".

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