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Urban to OSU?


VIP Member
Urban is a traitor in my eyes, Tebow the winner leaves and he cant win without him so he drops us like a bad habit. Hope Michigan beats them every year.Urban I hope we play you and Brake your bad heart. Never said it but that 2006 natl championship should be half zooks to , you won with his guys and the greatest college football player ever. Hey urb theres a saying among us die had gator fans that stick with our gators thru thick and thin If you aint a gator you must be gator bait. Guess the sec got to be hard for you! My hatred for osu just got worse. Family time must have gotten old for you.


VIP Member
He didn't have the total package though....he had Leak who was still growing, he didn't have the pounceys on O line and damn sure didnt have the D that urban had.....

I personally cannot wait to meet ohio n a bowl game!!!!

Swamp Person

Swamp Gator
My feelings to AW. I bet he lies to his kids and wife to. Unreal!!!! I wish Muschamp would go kick his pretty A$$. :mad: Heck, I think he should be the one not mentioned here NO MORE. His initials UM add the B = BUM .........

Swamp Person

Swamp Gator
“If I am able to coach, I wanted to coach at one place and that’s the University of Florida. It would be ridiculous to get that feeling back, get the health back and throw on some other colors on my shirt and go coach. I don’t want to do that. I have too much love for this university’s players and what we’ve built.” -on Meyer re-retiring from Florida on December 8, 2010



Super Moderator
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Super Moderator
My feelings to AW. I bet he lies to his kids and wife to. Unreal!!!! I wish Muschamp would go kick his pretty A$$. :mad: Heck, I think he should be the one not mentioned here NO MORE. His initials UM add the B = BUM .........
The time WILL come when we'll have him in our sights: we'll pull that trigger again and again, carefully, accurately, with cold resolve.
For now though, our current coaches MUST draw the wagons into a circle and DEFEND THE PROGRAM, starting with this next recruiting class. We can't do anything about keeping Marotti or Durkin if they have already long since quietly thrown in with The Great Betrayer (that's MY name for him, at least for now--'til we come up with a better, more cleverly insulting one), but we CAN do a LOT to limit their continued access, and the damage they can do to our recruiting efforts--and we must do ALL OF THAT AND MORE! As I've said elsewhere, now it is our time to get down and dirty. Say anything, DO anything, as long as it isn't a major NCAA violation (Meyer is a regular FIEND when it comes to burning "minor violations", as we well know--and THAT is what we're up against now)--they're OUR recruits, this is OUR territory, Urban is OUT OF HERE and either the other two are Gators and they're staying , or they're with F*ckface and they're out TOO--not tomorrow or the day after, but the moment they can't answer the simple question: "Are you Gators or NOT?!!"
Then we get down TO it: Shut them up, Shut them out , then SHUT THEM DOWN!


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
One thing to remember is that tOSU was on the list of schools that he and his wife, Shelley, would agree to if the opportunity arose. Personally, I do not consider it betrayal that a highly sought after college coach whom everyone knew would return to coaching only waited one year to do so. This is business. This is not like Nick Satan going from LSU to Alabama...in the same division of the same conference. This is not like Steve Spurrier moving from his own alma mater to another school in the same division of the same conference. This is a yankee from Ohio that wants to be close to home in what could be his retirement job.

Personally, I hope the Gators meet his Suckeyes on the field and accelerate his retirement. I appreciate all that Urban Meyer did for the University of Florida, but he is now Gator Bait!


Super Moderator
Staff member
Super Moderator
My feelings to AW. I bet he lies to his kids and wife to. Unreal!!!! I wish Muschamp would go kick his pretty A$$. :mad: Heck, I think he should be the one not mentioned here NO MORE. His initials UM add the B = BUM .........
Actually, SP, I've been considering this and think you may really have hit on some thing here:
The Betrayer, Urban Meyer... B etrayer U rban M eyer... B. U. M.: He IS "The BUM"! As in: "Get rid of The BUM!" "We don't NEED The BUM!" "What did you expect from The BUM?!!" and , of course, "Hey Buckeyes! Stick it in your BUM, where the sun don't SHINE!"
Works for me.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Super Moderator
“If I am able to coach, I wanted to coach at one place and that’s the University of Florida. It would be ridiculous to get that feeling back, get the health back and throw on some other colors on my shirt and go coach. I don’t want to do that. I have too much love for this university’s players and what we’ve built.” -on Meyer re-retiring from Florida on December 8, 2010

Doesn't this just get ya gritting your TEETH?!!
Everyone in Gator Nation should have had this appear at the top of their incoming email yesterday morning.
There are actually a surprising number of soft-brained, weak-spine fools who CALL themselves "Gators" but attack those who are outraged by The BUM's twisted rationale, indeed, his whole phony ROUTINE...THEY need to have this quote tattooed on their FOREHEADS! They continue to call the rest of us "cry babies" while they pump his hand, pat him on the back, sing his praises and wish him well EVEN AS HE STEALS OUR COACHES AND OUR PRIZED RECRUITS ON HIS WAY OUT THE DOOR.
These tend to be the same idiots who attack our CURRENT Head Coach and blame him for the mess that The Bum and his lackey, the Nameless One, in fact left us with--and Coach Boom has had to deal with ever since BTW. I have been trying to do what I can to answer their stupidity and blind ignorance on some of the more public Gator sites and blogs out there, but the sheer volume of fools and trolls is discouraging, even overwhelming at times. We do what we can, though.
Posting this quote as you did here SP is one very effective way of reminding folks who and what we are dealing with here. I ask you and others to do the same everywhere you can, WHEREVER there are supposed "Gators" who are so quick to dismiss our disgust and anger as coming from "whiners" and "cry-babies", and worse. It is THEY who are the weak ones, THEY who are the chumps, THEY who smile with gratitude at the ones who are meanwhile picking their pockets and robbing them blind!

Swamp Person

Swamp Gator
Well it appears I am in the minority.

E, your well respected here. (I KNOW I RESPECT YOU). If you support him. I hear your voice but I heard his also and supported him feeling his pain and knowing he felt ours. But doesn't it just put one tick of disbelief in your mind on his motive for retiring? Please DON'T feel attacked by my post. Heck you and others keep me coming here. Not cause I agree with everything but I believe it's fair here, and safe to agree and disagree. To be honest It hurt me to post how he left us in shambles cause to me he was < my all time favorite >. I just respected him.

Every man has to provide for his family, Every man deserves his dream job. But every Gator fan DESERVED Honesty. I used to think the world of Urban Meyer I just don't feel comfortable how he is going about it even offering our coaches jobs. Kind of a conflict of interest to me. If he loved us he wouldn't try to HURT us. Or would he?

It isn't him coaching for OSU or any where else. It's just the fact he was public to Gator Nation when he retired kind of talked to us so we knew. If he would of came public without everyone (media) busting him out to Gator Nation (The one he so loves) and just gave us heads up. I wouldn't even second guess his going to coach for someone else. To me it's nothing short of a RESPECT thing. YOU (U.M.) RESPECT US. WE GATOR NATION RESPECT YOU. But I feel this was a midnight deal done in a darken alley with ONLY HIS best interest the key.

If I offend anyone I'm sorry but it's how I feel just plum shamed and disrespected by someone I defended every since he retired. Remember I'm in GA. 4hrs from UGA, GT, and 1hr. From FSU. I defended the NO TEBOW to win for U.M. so he bolted. But NOW I eat crow with the I TOLD YOU So fans but not with my head held high but with it low a wondering if they were correct............


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Dissenting opinions are fine. I am just surprised that I am in the minority everywhere I talk to other Gators. College football is a business. Urban lost his mojo, so we do not need him here in Gainesville. I am forever grateful that three of my 3 years on campus coincided with the heyday of the Urban Meyer era. I am glad we got Muschamp. Once I got over the initial disgust at Urban stealing Mickey Marotti and DJ Durkin, I realized that Marotti's strength and conditioning this yearand last year did not translate to S&T on the field. DJ Durkun's coaching of special teams has not been special. Give Muschamp a chance to hire his own guys. Give Weis a year to recruit his style of player. Soon, we will forget about Urban.

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