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Urban to OSU?


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Dissenting opinions are fine. I am just surprised that I am in the minority everywhere I talk to other Gators. College football is a business. Urban lost his mojo, so we do not need him here in Gainesville. I am forever grateful that three of my 3 years on campus coincided with the heyday of the Urban Meyer era. I am glad we got Muschamp. Once I got over the initial disgust at Urban stealing Mickey Marotti and DJ Durkin, I realized that Marotti's strength and conditioning this yearand last year did not translate to S&T on the field. DJ Durkun's coaching of special teams has not been special. Give Muschamp a chance to hire his own guys. Give Weis a year to recruit his style of player. Soon, we will forget about Urban.
Again: If The BUM had simply up and left, even after all the phony BS and melodrama and smoke-blown-up-the-whole-world's-@$$ I would have felt pretty much as you do, E-, just laughed and said "Good Riddance!"--even the coaches that he's apparently taking have NOT been exactly DAZZLING in their duties of late, and are quite replaceable, as you say.
It's how he went AFTER them, and, in the case of Durkin, who is also "Recruiting Coordinator", the way that this was part of a larger, quite sleazy and underhanded (and still ongoing) play to steal a portion of our prospective prized-recruits--and again, doing it "under our noses" from within our own Athletic Department, covertly begun from his "courtesy office" in Football Operations days, possibly WEEKS before rumors of "serious talks" with tOSU began to surface (I have this on pretty reliable authority from within the program--and Coach Boom was STEAMED when it came out, is STILL quietly furious with the whole deal), and had to be threatened with being barred from the facility before he finally backed off; he apparently carried on his maneuverings the last few days by telephone, and we'll find out how much he accomplished (and how much damage was done to what WAS otherwise bound to be a superb recruiting class).
I can NEVER "forgive and forget" the way this all played out. Bad enough how we came to see how things really were, all that phony hand-wringing and drama at the end of the last 2 seasons, but the way those seasons played out, AND the dawning realization in their aftermath of why he REALLY left: he'd run the program into the ground and left us little in the way of talent and character with which to rebuild. Now he tries to suck us dry AGAIN, try to take the fruits of his replacements' labors with him to give him a "fresh start" at his NEW job? That doesn't bother YOU, E-?
Tell you what: if they DON'T get any of our commits, and HARDLY any of our uncommitted "fence-sitters" and/or "rivals'-commits-who-are-leaning-our-way", I'll laugh it off and give you props for not "worrying needlessly" like me...But if they screw-up our class, play any kind of roll in breaking up what up 'til now was falling into place as one of the best in the nation, maybe even "one for the books", we will revisit this discussion: THEN we'll see how you feel.
Once again, I have put myself in the position of hoping-against-hope that I am WRONG, that I am the one who ends up looking the over-amped alarmist. Better that, though, than having to say, "I told you so". I HATE having to say that. I REALLY don't WANT to have to say it. Again.

(PS The funny part in all this is that I hadn't even THOUGHT along these lines until YOU put it in my head, E-...THAT'S when I called my "contact"/friend/family connection (it's through an ex-inlaw, who I've been buds-with ever-since, within the UF Athletic Dept.) and asked a few questions and, after not TOO much resistance, got a trickle, then a flow, then finally (by the third time we talked) a regular AVALANCHE of info.--believe me, I'm still being pretty discrete: there's much more to all of this...for now, suffice it to say that there's a lot still-to-be-revealed--a kind of move/counter-move stand-off that awaits Meyer's next moves before the sh*t may REALLY hit the fan; OUR Head Coach, staff-that's-solid, and even Foley himself are prepared to "fight fire with fire", if necessary, but are waiting to see if Meyer's "need and greed" will out-weigh his concern for his public image before taking that battle out into the open...in other words, from what I gather, it may well be Urban Meyer's vanity that could keep this from getting out of hand.)

Swamp Person

Swamp Gator
Again: If The BUM had simply up and left, even after all the phony BS and melodrama and smoke-blown-up-the-whole-world's-@$$ I would have felt pretty much as you do, E-, just laughed and said "Good Riddance!"--even the coaches that he's apparently taking have NOT been exactly DAZZLING in their duties of late, and are quite replaceable, as you say.
It's how he went AFTER them, and, in the case of Durkin, who is also "Recruiting Coordinator", the way that this was part of a larger, quite sleazy and underhanded (and still ongoing) play to steal a portion of our prospective prized-recruits--and again, doing it "under our noses" from within our own Athletic Department, covertly begun from his "courtesy office" in Football Operations days, possibly WEEKS before rumors of "serious talks" with tOSU began to surface (I have this on pretty reliable authority from within the program--and Coach Boom was STEAMED when it came out, is STILL quietly furious with the whole deal), and had to be threatened with being barred from the facility before he finally backed off; he apparently carried on his maneuverings the last few days by telephone, and we'll find out how much he accomplished (and how much damage was done to what WAS otherwise bound to be a superb recruiting class).
I can NEVER "forgive and forget" the way this all played out. Bad enough how we came to see how things really were, all that phony hand-wringing and drama at the end of the last 2 seasons, but the way those seasons played out, AND the dawning realization in their aftermath of why he REALLY left: he'd run the program into the ground and left us little in the way of talent and character with which to rebuild. Now he tries to suck us dry AGAIN, try to take the fruits of his replacements' labors with him to give him a "fresh start" at his NEW job? That doesn't bother YOU, E-?
Tell you what: if they DON'T get any of our commits, and HARDLY any of our uncommitted "fence-sitters" and/or "rivals'-commits-who-are-leaning-our-way", I'll laugh it off and give you props for not "worrying needlessly" like me...But if they screw-up our class, play any kind of roll in breaking up what up 'til now was falling into place as one of the best in the nation, maybe even "one for the books", we will revisit this discussion: THEN we'll see how you feel.
Once again, I have put myself in the position of hoping-against-hope that I am WRONG, that I am the one who ends up looking the over-amped alarmist. Better that, though, than having to say, "I told you so". I HATE having to say that. I REALLY don't WANT to have to say it. Again.

(PS The funny part in all this is that I hadn't even THOUGHT along these lines until YOU put it in my head, E-...THAT'S when I called my "contact"/friend/family connection (it's through an ex-inlaw, who I've been buds-with ever-since, within the UF Athletic Dept.) and asked a few questions and, after not TOO much resistance, got a trickle, then a flow, then finally (by the third time we talked) a regular AVALANCHE of info.--believe me, I'm still being pretty discrete: there's much more to all of this...for now, suffice it to say that there's a lot still-to-be-revealed--a kind of move/counter-move stand-off that awaits Meyer's next moves before the sh*t may REALLY hit the fan; OUR Head Coach, staff-that's-solid, and even Foley himself are prepared to "fight fire with fire", if necessary, but are waiting to see if Meyer's "need and greed" will out-weigh his concern for his public image before taking that battle out into the open...in other words, from what I gather, it may well be Urban Meyer's vanity that could keep this from getting out of hand.)

Keep me posted.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Let's look at where we are now. Today we are down to about 70 scholarship players, 15 below the NCAA max. That is what we have going into a bowl game, presumably against Urban Meyer's new team. Another 11 will graduate after that game, win or lose. None of the juniors or sophomores are good enough to leave early for the draft. That leaves us at about 60 scholarship players. We can only bring in 25 recruits in February. Of that, we have 17 commitments.

We will probably lose a couple commitments to Urban Meyer if the Gators do not schwack the Suckeyes in the bowl game. There are another 8 recruits we have to sway from tOSU now, in addition to FSU, Alabama, and Georgia. DJ Durkin probably recruited a good number of those 17 commitments, but let's not panic. Aubrey Hill is officially the recruiting coordinator. DJ Durkin has shown lately to not be that good at recruiting--see the recruits that were tagged as his from 2009-2010. Aubrey Hill is one of us, a Gator through and through. He has inroads to south Florida recruiting. Mickey Marotti might be a loss, but look how crappy our strength and conditioning has been the past couple years. I saw a picture of the Gators during summer practice and they all looked ripped. It did not translate well on the field, because they could not maintain bulk. Trent Richardson is ripped and "swoll". Give us his S&C coach. Our S&C coach has just made our athletes look like underwear models, not rough and tough athletes.

Am I worried about losing Durkin and Marotti to Urban Meyer? No, not really. Am I worried about recruits wavering and going to other programs? Just a little. Urban Meyer has been advertising that he wants to run a pro-style offense with a mobile QB. That is one way to chip away at Florida's recruits who want to follow Urban Meyer. My guess is that we fail to hit our magic number of 25. My guess is that we can blame Urban Meyer when he snags some of our commitments and watch list players. That would piss me off and make me take back all the nice things I said about Urban Meyer.

I understand that this is business, but we gave him an office on campus after he left us, for crying out loud! I will wait and see what happens before I toss my vitriol at Urban Meyer, former coach of the the 2x national champion Florida Gators.



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You know where I stand here, E---but all of your points are well-taken. I certainly don't begrudge men being free to make their own decisions about where they go and who they work for or with--and I agree that at this point, Durkin himself, just as a Coach, is eminently expendable--and I have the feeling our Head Coach DEFINITELY feels that way....and you're right about his direct role in recruiting being quietly "curtailed" as the weaknesses of the last 2 recruiting cycles that he was such a big part of were steadily revealed, while Aubrey Hill's star has risen in his place. Still, Durkin has continued to be closely involved, has sat in on all the meetings, made visits and phone calls and has stayed in touch as an important figure with a number of commits and prospectives in this next class; it WOULD be a worrisome and possibly disastrous development, a kind of "stab-in-the-back, and a potential threat to the whole class's otherwise highly promising potential if he turned out to not only have been planning to go with Meyer, but to take our whole "recruiting book" and as many of the prospects he has been talking to as possible WITH him when he does. I'm not saying this is what will happen, I'm just noting the obvious possibility that it COULD, and the danger that this poses--not to mention what it would say about the character and true nature of everyone involved in such a scheme. Everyone, including "Mr. Spotless", Respected Dean of Current College Coaches, Urban Meyer.
But you're right, E-: let's wait and see what actually HAPPENS. Anyone can be "tempted", but it is our actual DEEDS for which we are judged by our fellows. Better to leave consideration of what is in a man's heart to himself and his God.


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OK...it has now been made public, and the "other Assistant Coach" from our staff that it was thought Meyer was "showing interest in" has been revealed: and it is Aubrey Hill--the CURRENT "Recruiting Coordinator" who had taken the job here at UF and RUN with it ever since, playing a huge role in coordinating the great effort that WAS on the way to bringing in possibly one of the best classes EVER here. Now, who knows? It's ALL up-in-the-air...will he stay or will he go? It CAN'T be good having any kind of confusion in the minds of prospective recruits NOW, at this crucial point in the process, ESPECIALLY and more importantly in their parents' minds. STABILITY is everything--and having a new guy suddenly calling you and identifying himself as "the NEW Recruiting Coordinator", or the old one calling and saying, "Never mind all that other stuff I said, you're REALLY better off over HERE!", is not going to help keep the ones we've got, let alone sway the "maybe"s. Just the news alone has got to have damaged us, and all the REST would be a disaster, I'm afraid. Every day that goes by that young Mr. Hill neglects to clearly and publicly slam-the-door on the whole idea hurts us, and probably strengthens the appearance that he's going to GO. Call me unrealistic and naive, but JUST ONCE here I'd like to see and hear someone, THIS one, stop "calculating his career advantages" and just come right out, stick with his fellow TEAM members, his promises and his sense of honor and loyalty and say, "No, I'm a Gator, like our Head Coach, and I'll stay that as long as you'll have me!" Wouldn't that be nice, for a change? Yeah, I know: "Dream on, and don't hold your breath."


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Screw Meyer Back stabbing SOB....
Yeah, man--and here's the FIRST of what's coming: just posted earlier this aft. on Twitter from Dante Fowler (highly regarded FSU commit who has been coming to visits here at UF lately and was thought to be leaning towards renouncing THAT commitment and coming over to us instead): "Just got off the phone with Urban Meyer..." --and proceeds to hint at all kinds of promises and "excitement" at his "convincing future at Ohio State".
Meyer has already broken "the rules" by using the access he had as "a member of the Gator Family" to get a look at and USE our recruiting data and information to target and contact our prospective recruits--and do it from his OFFICE INSIDE THE GATOR FOOTBALL COMPLEX. I know, I know, we already knew all this, but it still leaves me just apoplectic: Is there NO line this smiling sleazeball won't cross? At this point, we HAVE to assume that there is nothing he won't stop at, no selfish, burn-your-bridges-with-the-people who-cared-about-and-trusted-you move he WON'T make if he thinks he NEEDS what it may give him. I can only hope and figure at this point that Muschamp, Weis and (not-to-be-underestimated) Foley himself, and the individuals and forces HE can muster, got wind of this in time to at least begin to get ahead of it, and are prepared themselves to fight just as ruthlessly, can and HAVE identified HIS weak points and will get DOWN AND DIRTY as necessary. Done right, the only sign WE may have "out here in the world" that our side HAS managed to mainly fend off the worst of this attack is when and if it turns out we bring in most of our projected class ANYWAY...no one WANTS all-out war--possibly Meyer least of all, and THAT may be the key.
Meanwhile, "no news is good news"...nerve-wracking, to say the least, but, short of that actual "I'm a Gator"/"In your FACE, Urban Meyer!" I dreamed-up above, hearing little-to-nothing I figure is the best news, for now.


VIP Member
Easy Urban has health and loyality issues and the F--keyes are going to get hammered by the NCAA. That should be enough to scare off recruits from going to tOSU. Really hope that tOSU goes to the Gator Bowl against the Gators.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Unfortunately, NCAA sanctions do not always scare away recruits. USCw is still doing well, despite sanctions. We all know that tOSU gets away with a lot. Right now they are dragging out their decision on what sanctions to hand out. Right now, Muschamp is on the recruiting trail. All these kids know right now is that Florida looked like crap the past two years, getting progressively worse. Meanwhile, they see tOSU is stealing the good parts of the old Gator staff. These kids might assume tOSU is not going to get hit hard by sanctions. Net result: Urban Meyer and NCAA are both hurting the Gators and our recruiting.


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Unfortunately, NCAA sanctions do not always scare away recruits. USCw is still doing well, despite sanctions. We all know that tOSU gets away with a lot. Right now they are dragging out their decision on what sanctions to hand out. Right now, Muschamp is on the recruiting trail. All these kids know right now is that Florida looked like crap the past two years, getting progressively worse. Meanwhile, they see tOSU is stealing the good parts of the old Gator staff. These kids might assume tOSU is not going to get hit hard by sanctions. Net result: Urban Meyer and NCAA are both hurting the Gators and our recruiting.
...AND let's face it: while the NCAA pretty well HAS to LOOK like they came down hard on tOSU, they want them to stay relevant and fairly strong, too--part of the whole keep-the-money-flowing, old-boy network. NONE of this is coincidence. Looks like Meyer is already getting a better break from them as a Buckeye than he did as a Gator--look for the "sanctions" NOT to be too onerous, just some additional schollies taken from them over 2 or 3 years, in addition to the ones that they "levied on themselves" (which were not much better than a poor joke).


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BTW: One more side-note for all those who STILL take Urban Meyer at his word and insist that we should think well of him and wish him the best, that he hasn't lied, cheated or even misled us in anyway--even in the face of comparing his various statements, from those he made arriving here, the "heartfelt statement" made when he "resigned/"retired", and the latest as he left Gainesville, headed for Columbus, ALL of them at great odds with what in fact he has been and is doing: Remember his repeated claims of wanting to see his daughter play volleyball, to "support her game-by-game and cheer her on like a normal father"? In the last year, covering a season-and-a-half of the NCAA Volleyball season, Meyer attended exactly ONE Gator volleyball match during that time. Perfect. A stirring example, emblematic of the similar honesty and sincerity in every endeavor in which the word and honor of this thorough phony and selfishly manipulative liar has been given and inevitably broken once more.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Ha! Muschamp took a dig at Mickey Marotti. To paraphrase, he said that the Gators needed to get tougher, so he let Marotti go. I need to find that actual reference, but that made my day. "Our strength and conditioning coach let us turn into sissies, so I let the Suckeyes have him!"

Block O

It may depend on how hard the NCAA hammers the program.

Thats true, but everything we're hearing its not going to be that bad. Maybe a few more scholarships and maybe not even a bowl ban at all which is shocking. I was ready for an USC penalty. But lets be honest its the Big Ten we're talking about. This was probably the worst Ohio State team I have seen in 10 years and we were only a few plays away from winning our division and being in the B1G Championship game. :D


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
I think Urban will get tOSU into the Big Ten championship in a few years. If you are right about the punishment being light then maybe the Gators and the Bucknuts will meet up in a more relevant bowl game in a couple years.

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