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Gator Bites, Week 13: Florida Gators vs Georgia Southern Eagles


Gator Fan
I don't understand how they could possibly justify keeping Muschump if we lose this game. I personally wouldn't keep him regardless. Hate this for the players.


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@awebbf5 This is America. You are allowed to express your opinion. Once we fire the guy, who do you want as his replacement? There are no hot shot up-and-comers on the market.

@DRU2012 The offense is what it is, given the 2nd stringers we have playing as 1st string. Next year we have no excuse for a #100 ranked offense. It had better be a top 50 offense at least.
(1) I thought that was the story after LAST season--and I just don't buy the "all those injuries" excuse for the way this offense is run...It was a stone drag bore from the start, NOT particularly efficient even then, at its (supposed) "best", and if anything should have been adapted for more flexibility and wide-open attack--for all KINDS of reasons--once those injuries started piling up.
(2) "It had better be a top 50 offense at least." THAT IS MY POINT: This CANNOT be our "accepted standard", EVER! (Look what is happening today: ZERO passing yards at the start of the 2nd half...Now they just fell behind (inevitable, given the whole feeling surrounding this team), pass for the first time--and don't really know HOW to anymore: Guy doesn't go out far enough to get a 1st down on their first completion of the game!--Now it happens AGAIN, this time on 3rd down of the next series...Ga. Southern doesn't HAVE to do anything BUT play us really tight, 'cause we haven't ONCE tried to throw downfield! It's the stupidest stubbornest, lamest offensive approach I've seen by ANY team--and it's OURS)) Think about what you are now casually "looking forward optimistically to", my friend: We can, WE MUST do better than "at least 50th best offense" ANY season, starting next year for sure--and that begins with EXPECTATION. I feel sure you understand what I am saying here; it seems like so many Gators have had their expectations severely lowered, and call it "being realistic"--but we have the talent and capacity--certainly with who's here now, who'll be back and who we'll GET, to bounce back QUICKLY with a whole revamped SCHEME on offense. But THIS OC cannot do it--and I have been convinced that this head Coach won't get OR let another do a whole lot better, if allowed to continue holding sway there. Perhaps this game, (however it turns out--'cause we are making a VERY poor showing here today, but) ESPECIALLY with a loss, will lead to the kind of "shock to the system? that is required of Foley and those who have gone along with him and his unquestioning support of everything-Muschamp, to make the dramatic changes that need to BE made.


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I was determined NOT to say anything until sometime in the 2nd half today, to reserve judgement until then at least.
This is worse even than I expected. If this is NOT a demonstration of everything that is wrong with the coaching, the offensive "scheme" (doesn't even deserve THAT neutral noun), and the way BOTH are now part the poisoning of our whole team (even the D, and no longer simply from "fatigue", is beginning to fragment, lose confidence and drive).
What does ANYONE, besides our Head Coach it seems, have to see to know it isn't working, is all breaking down?


Gator Fan
I cannot watch (as in, unable), and probably would not watch were I able. But this commentary is making me glad for the former, and justified in the latter.


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We are going to lose: It's a "stating the obvious"-deal for us at this point, but sickeningly will be all OVER the sports shows tonight/this week. Over 300 yds rushing given up, ZERO passing--and (not coincidentally we haven't much more passing and (also not coincidentally) very much fewer rushing ourselves...By now, with another DB down and an unlisted (oops--ALMOST a TD on the runback, but no, Patton caught at the other team's 30-something--and there goes our chance at a TD) kid tryin' and dyin' in his place, it's likely yo get worse--they can stay ahead of us from here on, no matter WHAT happens (and I somehow don't expect we're gonna come up with some big offense-rally after all).


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I cannot watch (as in, unable), and probably would not watch were I able. But this commentary is making me glad for the former, and justified in the latter.
Hesitate to mention (and u prob know anyway, perhaps are already getting it this way), but there is ALWAYS "RUF 850 Gaineville"...Google "Florida Football Game Broadcast", or something along those lines, and you'll see it somewhere in the resulting list...(That's in unlikely event you weren't already aware of it--and/or IF you even WANTED to, today of ALL days FG)


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
This game is going as expected. Again, name a coach that could miracle these 2nd and 3rd teamers to a win against anybody. Granted, I would have expected to see more direct snaps to Kelvin Taylor. Just pull out Skyler Mornhinweg, plug in an extra offensive lineman, and just go old school.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Again, I am not a sunshine pumper, or else I would be pointing out some obscurely good thing about this team. I am saying this is the reality. Will Muschamp cannot recruit players mid-season to replace his 27 injured or suspended players, so firing him will not solve anything.

USCw almost has our problem with limited scholarships and injuries, but they have a 1st-team QB, future NFL 1st round WR, and a good kicker. We have none of those. Plug in any head coach you want, and maybe the scores will be closer, but the end result would be the same.


Gator Fan
How do you take what used to be one of the elite programs in the country and run it straight into the ground in just 3 short years??


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If this doesn't do it......I don't have a clue.
OK, Here's a "tricky one":
If this is the "best chance" we have of getting RID of this "suicide coaching staff", then do we even WANT our boys to come back now?!!

Of course, I can't HELP, for the sake of our players or MYSELF, but root for (and getting excited about it, God help me) some theoretical "last second come-back win"--but with this kind of ongoing performance (we can't even score on a team with FAR less heralded talent there on defense from 1st-and-goal inside the TEN here--and the "big play" on the direct snap, our "big wrinkle", now tried a number of times, is snuffed in the backfield when they know they can read it and KEY on it without ANY FEAR of a pass thrown behind 'em to the space that HAS to be there when they do).
We got NUTHIN'!!!

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