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Game Day Week 10: Homecoming Mission to Clinch the SEC East


Super Moderator
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Score instead of fumble, etc, and we have already pretty well won this game...but given that we find ourselves BEHIND instead, well, this is bout as bad as we could make it FOR OURSELVES.
Still, aside from that one (referee-aided) play (did you see replay? Our defender gets blocked out by ref cuttinh in front of him when he had the early angle, sprung runner for TD!), they couldn't do ANYTHING against our D. And we stopped ourselves on offense, mostly. Now, if we can calm down, eliminate mistakes and stay at it, wr CAN still win this--but Treon is spooked, whole team is down and gristrayed, so I don't know...

One thing I DO know: We had better recruit better talent at QB. Turns ouy Treon is NOT am acceptable alternative.


Gator Fan
Score instead of fumble, etc, and we have already pretty well won this game...but given that we find ourselves BEHIND instead, well, this is bout as bad as we could make it FOR OURSELVES.
Still, aside from that one (referee-aided) play (did you see replay? Our defender gets blocked out by ref cuttinh in front of him when he had the early angle, sprung runner for TD!), they couldn't do ANYTHING against our D. And we stopped ourselves on offense, mostly. Now, if we can calm down, eliminate mistakes and stay at it, wr CAN still win this--but Treon is spooked, whole team is down and gristrayed, so I don't know...

One thing I DO know: We had better recruit better talent at QB. Turns ouy Treon is NOT am acceptable alternative.
AND at O Line!


Super Moderator
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Like I said, was afraid of, we had all kinds of chances to take control of this one in FIRST half--now they KNOW they've dodged multiple bullets, come out with lead, and think its their day. Might be right--thanks to US! Unless our D and special teams can get the lead back, won't happen. Treon looks confused now. Gotta just run it, suck em in until the middle zone opens up--and HOPE he can settle down and throw accurately ENOUGH in there. All depends on D and running game. (Without that bad luck breakdown on their long run, maybe we win this 6-0, but now, they are playing with "house money", and are FEELING it, ya know? Just GOTTA get that lead back, MAKE em throw, get some picks. But ourD looks like IT'S starting to tire. Uh oh.


Super Moderator
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I'll take "7-6" over the alternative. Let em "penalize" us in the rankings...Win out and all is forgiven. (Gods, has it come to THAT here? Hoping for a 7-6 win??? Yeah. It has.)


VIP Member
Wow what a lack on concentration on this offense. This falls on the coaches. Get these kids focused already.


Super Moderator
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Have spent all DAY starting at midfield... Gotten nothing out of it, obviously. This is one of worst games I've seen this offense play, INCLUDING Muschamp years. When Treon drops to throw now, I am completely certain it won't work, whatever the play. Mediocre thrower on a bad day? Not gonna HAPPEN...


Super Moderator
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Super Moderator
Wildcat IS one idea...But regardless, shoulda started mixed run game before now...only HOPE is to wear them down and/or get lucky, spring one. Sigh. This is turnng into just a horrible aft--and even worse loss. Goodbye "amazing season".


Super Moderator
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Super Moderator
Telling you, they are HOPING for 1pt win, playing for it now. Don't think they'll even TRY to throw one again unless they get behind. Buy why? We're the ones w the QB fumbling and throwing picks...


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Gators are still asleep. Oh well. The past few games have been exciting, but this one is beginning to look a lot like a Muschamp game. The Gators might pull ahead while I am asleep.


Super Moderator
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Super Moderator
Damn! Couldn't quite clise the deal back there. That sorta play, successful by D, is our main hope now.

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