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Are we guaranteed a BCS game?


VIP Member
So let's say we lose to Alabama next weekend. Won't we still get to go to a BCS game? No other SEC team besides Alabama has a shot of a BCS invitation and even if we lose to Alabama (assuming it's a hard fought game), I don't think there's anyway we fall outside the top 14 in the BCS, right?

Alright, so maybe we'd play the ACC champion, Utah, or Cincinnati, but I'd still be pretty happy with a BCS bowl game.

What are your thoughts?


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Several sports analysts have stated that if we lose to Bama, we would go to the Sugar Bowl. We went there several times in the 90s. Let's stay out of the Sugar Bowl this year by kicking Bama's @$$!


VIP Member
Well, I saw an article on Yahoo! claiming a win against Alabama still won't be enough to get (UF) into the BCS title game. I think the article was just trying to make much ado about nothing, but I almost hope it happens. To have OU and UT play again for the BCS national title would tick off so many people, we'd really increase our chances of a playoff or plus 1.


VIP Member
Well, I saw an article on Yahoo! claiming a win against Alabama still won't be enough to get (UF) into the BCS title game. I think the article was just trying to make much ado about nothing, but I almost hope it happens. To have OU and UT play again for the BCS national title would tick off so many people, we'd really increase our chances of a playoff or plus 1.
i really want a playoff but not bad enough to have us out of a NC game. i think whomever wrote that piece must have been on drugs, to think it would be OU v UT and not OU v SEC champ (hopefully UF)


VIP Member
Well, I saw an article on Yahoo! claiming a win against Alabama still won't be enough to get (UF) into the BCS title game. I think the article was just trying to make much ado about nothing, but I almost hope it happens. To have OU and UT play again for the BCS national title would tick off so many people, we'd really increase our chances of a playoff or plus 1.

The UF Bama is basically a National Championship semi final game. The winner of that game will be in the BCS game no doubt about it.
That being said UF is to fast & to good on "D" (not to mention "O") they beat Bama by 14+
I would hate to go to the Sugar Bowl after all this.

It def. makes the season a disappointment. I like how many people have had us for favorites and now alot of ppl pick Alabama.

Some people say Bama' has no chance. I think if starts of like SEC CG in 06 we will win easily.


VIP Member
heck. if we start the SECCG the way we've started the past 7 games there's no way bama will catch us.

Good point. If we get up 17-0 by the 2nd quarter, the game is ours.

I'm not too confident that will happen though.

I'm guessing it will be...20-7 (UF winning) at half or something like that.

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