1/2 hour to go to kick-off...Guess it's time to put this thread up, gather my various foods and (uh) beverages around me here in my own version of "Saturday Command Central" (I'm sure most of you have your own) and, on a day like this one, against a foe like this one, and at such a pivotal point in our season--hell, in our re-emergence into the center of Big Time College Football--and basically just hunker down and get through this thing. Now that the reality is upon us, it is one of those moments that is almost too much, at least for me. I just care too damn much. For example, they're saying all kinds of good stuff about the Gators there on the CBS National Pre-Game Show ("...Let's face it, Florida is the most accomplished team coming into this game..."), but I almost can't listen to it I'm wrapped so tight..." We KNOW all that--let's get TO it!", my gut is screaming from below...