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Who's the better coach: Urban Meyer or Steve Spurrier?


Gator Fan
When SOS was here no one could touch him, and I still think he's a great coach............... but .........Urban is THE man now.


VIP Member
I think Spurrier is a better tactician, ie he can call better plays and stuff. However, Meyer is a better strategist, ie he's a better recruiter, motivator, etc.


Gator Fan
Spurrier has done things Meyer has never done.

Spurrier in a landslide

umm, just wait another month and a half and answer that differently..uf is going to beat bama..is going to the bcs ccg..and will win...that will give him his 2nd nc...

i do think this question isnt so easily answered..you fla fans know what he did for your program..he woke the damn thing up, changed the way cfb was played and won a nc..

at sc he has brought in talent that has never been here before and will have a top 12 class once again..with the coaches we have now, the players we have now, and his unwillingness to lose without a fight, he will actually attempt to do things at usc that nobody could accomplish..


VIP Member
Well Ray Graves woke up the Florida Football Program because Florida had some good teams in the 1960's, 1970's, and 1980's (even though in the 80's NCAA came down hard on them and yet Bowden has two tainted titles) but Spurrier took it to the next level winning six SEC titles, two championship appearences, and winning one. Both Meyer and Spurrier came in with offense that the "experts" said wouldn't work in the SEC. I give it a title for now.


VIP Member
I was in school when Coach Spurrier was at UF! It was awesome! He brought us to the level that people expect greatness from our team, and are surprised and shocked if we somehow don't win. Made me love Gator Ball even more! In fact, when he announced his resignation, I cried so much
( hey, I AM a girl :)).

But Coach Meyer has done remarkable and wonderful things for our team, I hope he doesn't leave for a LONG LONG time! He brings a professionalism to our team, a reach for perfection from our boys ON and OFF the field!

We are so lucky to have had the Ole Ball Coach Spurrier before and to have the awesome Coach Meyer now!!!

Woo Hoo! Go Gators!:rockon:


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
It's a little early to judge UM's legacy at UF. UM has done a lot at his previous schools and at UF, but let's not compare him to SOS so quickly.


VIP Member
It's a little early to judge UM's legacy at UF. UM has done a lot at his previous schools and at UF, but let's not compare him to SOS so quickly.

i agree

SOS is Legend!
UM is a Legend in the making. IF we dominate the SEC like in the 90's with SOS

about the only thing i can compare the two with is the fun with rivalry games.
SOS made them much more fun and of course with his big mouth made it a little more personal between him and bowden, fulmer, etc
" cant spell outback bowl without UT"

until recent events that is.... like the georgia penalty. UM looks to be making his statements with the team rather than his mouth.


Spurrier has done things Meyer has never done.

Won one National Championship?

Fail miserably in the NFL?

Lead a SEC East team to mediocrity?

Embarrass himself in an Under Armour commercial by actually using the term "click-clack" to end a telephone conversation?

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
Won one National Championship?

Fail miserably in the NFL?

Lead a SEC East team to mediocrity?

Embarrass himself in an Under Armour commercial by actually using the term "click-clack" to end a telephone conversation?

Good point; there are big differences between SOS and Coach Meyer.

Meyer may seem aloof at times, but he's more conscientious of himself and doesn't want to do anything that makes himself look ridiculous. He did make that one Nike commercial with some NFL stars like Brian Urlacher, but it was done with class. Even though he encourages rivalry with UGA, Tennessee and the SOW he doesn't openly talk trash just to egg on the darkside; he uses it more as a motivational tool for his team but still shows some respect for the other side - unlike Spurrier. Meyer is very businesslike and doesn't beat around the bush; he knows what side his bread's buttered on.

Spurrier was, I'll admit, entertaining with some of his antics even though he did rub others the wrong way at times, and is a legacy at UF both as a player and coach, BUT - at times he made himself look silly in some of those commercials he's made over the recent years. His ego can be his own worst enemy at times. As far as his bailing on us in 2002, I think he made a foolish decision to jump to the NFL thinking that he'd do wonders in that league - but he failed; college football and the NFL are as different as night and day as far as their culture is concerned, and more often than not success at the college level doesn't equate to the same in the pros, as he would find out.

If we can win the national championship this year, I see Meyer eventually surpassing Spurrier as far as career accomplishments go.


Gator Fan
As far as his bailing on us in 2002, I think he made a foolish decision to jump to the NFL thinking that he'd do wonders in that league - but he failed; college football and the NFL are as different as night and day as far as their culture is concerned, and more often than not success at the college level doesn't equate to the same in the pros,...........
I just want to say first off that I am not a SOS apologist. I don't think he bailed although when I first heard the news, I was shocked and felt betrayed. I followed his carreer w/ the skins with interest, still do but not as much anymore. I understood his desire to go to the NFL. The list of coaches who have not succeeded is long. The ones who are/were succesful are not an exception to the rule...Mike Shanahan. The current college coach turned NFL champion coach, Tom Coughlin. Jimmy Johnson, who succeeded two coaching legends in the NFL. I think given the right circumstances SOS could have done it too.
Urban Meyer, wow, there is no other coach who has all the tools. I believe that he is the consummate coach. His accomplishments will stand for a long time, not just at Florida but Nationally. His next goal, STOMP SOS and the gamecocks.

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
I just want to say first off that I am not a SOS apologist. I don't think he bailed although when I first heard the news, I was shocked and felt betrayed. I followed his carreer w/ the skins with interest, still do but not as much anymore. I understood his desire to go to the NFL. The list of coaches who have not succeeded is long. The ones who are/were succesful are not an exception to the rule...Mike Shanahan. The current college coach turned NFL champion coach, Tom Coughlin. Jimmy Johnson, who succeeded two coaching legends in the NFL. I think given the right circumstances SOS could have done it too.

I was just as shocked when I heard that Spurrier resigned; I had read the headline in the Sentinel after the 2002 Orange Bowl. Then, I was even more shocked to hear that they had hired Ron Zook to replace him - it was like, "Who the hell is that?"

I'm sure he wanted to take his shot at success in the NFL, but there were also monetary considerations behind his decision. Perhaps he and the Redskins weren't the right fit; one could see just by his facial expressions that the job was stressful.

Just like any college coach needs to have "it" to succeed in college, he also needs the same to make the transition to the pros. Jimmy Johnson, Dick Vermeil and Mike Shanahan have had the most success to-date; then Tom Coughlin wins a Super Bowl and joins that group. Who knows how Nick Saban would have done as a head coach had he stayed with Miami a little longer; after all he was one of Bill Belichick's former proteges and assistants.

Still, others who made the jump didn't succeed - Chan Gailey, Pete Carroll, Bobby Petrino, Al Groh and Barry Switzer are some of the names who stick out there. Yet, with the exception of Gailey they seem to have better success at the college level. Dave Wannstedt is slowly turning Pitt around after failing in the NFL with two teams.

As I see it college football is a more team-oriented league of kids; the NFL is a player's league of grown men. Like I mentioned before, the culture of each is vastly different, and IMO this is a factor why some coaches coming out of the NCAA fail in the pros in not being able to make that transition where it comes to dealing with personnel.

Like Coach Meyer has done in the past Steve Spurrier has been able to successfully "clean up a mess" left by his predecessors at schools where they've held head coaching positions, and that's one thing these two have in common.

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