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Who would win a Florida vs Texas Tech matchup?


VIP Member
I think Florida because for the most part TT is a pass happy offense though I give them credit for beating Texas. I think the D could stop them.


What was the idiot Red Raider fan trying to prove with that youtube link? He's crying about a play that happened early in the game when it was still scoreless. Man I guess we got a bunch of crybabies to look forward to.


Gator Fan
Florida would beat TT by 14 points. We have a more balanced attack and
we can control the clock. Also I think we can put some pressure on the TT QB


Gator Fan
It depends, if Florida doesn't put pressure on Harrell TT wins easily.

Their attack is too deadly when the QB has all day.


VIP Member
i think either team could win.

if UF can get to the TT QB its all over for TT!

the gators have faced much better ranked defenses and stomped the teams.
here is a link to the NCAA defenses:

if they can not getto the TT QB, then he is going to burn the gator secondary with crabtree all night long!
this doesn't mean TT will win, it mean it would be a shoot out because i doubt they could stop all the talent on the gators offense.

regarding the article, ,i think the big12 is doing somethings to correct their defense problems by raiding the SEC of high profile coordinators Muschamp, Pelini, etc...


Gator Fan
Who would win a Florida vs Texas Tech matchup?
The only way I would consider this a valid question on this board, is if t tech did something about this first !


VIP Member
If we beat TT, we'd have to control the line of scrimmage with just 3 or 4 down lineman, occasionally bringing a 5th rusher. I think even NFL corners would have trouble stopping TT's wide receivers after 3 seconds.

If our defensive line perform like they did against OSU we can handle TT no problem.

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