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What other bowls are you going to watch


Gator Fan
What other bowl games are you looking forward to watching?

Obviously the BCS championship, but I also want to catch some of the USC in the Rose bowl.

PhD Gator

Super Moderator
I'll watch any bowl I'm home or in a place with a TV to see. I'm always pretty interested in watching the FSU bowl game as well as any bowl game with an SEC team in it.


VIP Member
with outta doubt i have to watch my illini in the rose bowl, the bcs championship, and whatever else i happen to catch


Gator Fan
Im gonna watch us sloughter Michigan and then i'll probably watch all the SEC teams in their bowls. I will be so excited when UK kills FSU and when Clemson gets whooped by Auburn. Hawaii will get 2 see what the SEC is really like when they play Georgia. Oh and how could i forget to watch the BCS championship bowl. I hope LSU absolutely dominates OSU. that will show OSU that they cant win to teams in the SEC. Its time for ppl to see how over-ranked they actually are!

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