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What a complete jackass! Michigan Linebacker Does His Best Geno Hayes Impression

I hope Tebow runs this jackass over!

ORLANDO — What’s the ultimate cure for a Heisman Trophy hangover? Trash talk.

Michigan linebacker Shawn Crable was gracious enough to provide Tebow with some motivation for Tuesday’s Capital One Bowl when he made the following comment to the Detroit Free Press.

“I think y’all are too concerned with this Tebow, I mean he’s just a quarterback,” Crable said Saturday. “He’s really not (different.) He’s got some freakish stats because they use him differently, they use him in the red zone a lot to run the ball but he’s nothing more exceptional than we’ve ever played against.

“If you ask me about [Oregon’s] Dennis Dixon or you ask me about [former Texas quarterback] Vince Young, I’d be like, now those are some freakish people. You ask me about this guy, he’s just a quarterback.”

Hmmm. Wonder if Crable thought Appalachian State’s Armanti Edwards was “just a quarterback” too?


Go Gators!


VIP Member
He's probably got too much on his mind right now. Like how Dixon and Oregon absolutely pummeled him and how he lost to Ohio St for the 4th straight year. Or maybe he's still mad about not getting that rematch in Glendale last year???


VIP Member
Did he forgot what happened when Mr. Hayes did the same thing and then the Gators smoked FSU? Or even when the quarterback he listed smoked UM one time or another? I guessing that happens when you get hit in the head one too many times against those Big 10 Offensive lineman. Speaking of Mr. Hayes, was he one of the players caught in the cheating scandal?
I read where many Michigan fans think this guy is a tool as well. I guess he has talked big a couple of times before with Michigan then getting embarrassed. Hope the trend continues!

I also read that some took what he said as a little racist in that he mentioned some black option QB's that he thought were great, but that he thought whitey Tebow was nothing special. I do not know how much to read into that, but I did notice that it was pointed out.


Gator Fan

After what happened to Hayes, you would think that people would learn or appreciate how good of a football player Tebow really is.. It's not just what he can do on the field but off the field as well. I can only say he will be eating those words come tomorrow!


VIP Member
I've also heard that his comment might be racist. How much do you think we should look into this? Was he just trying to say Tebow's average, or was he deliberately bringing race into it? Personally, I really don't know.

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