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Weis out as offensive coordinator


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Yup. We'll all have more to say on this later--but for now, I am reminded of this little "joke":
The Optimistic Captain comes out on the deck and announces, "Well, we've solved the RAT-problem..."


VIP Member
Crap, If he stayed the Gators could have a good recruiting class he recruits the Offense and Coach Boom recruits D. Now I hope the OK States, the Horns, and Sooners lights up Kansas and they will because Charlie can't recruit D (look at his tenure at Notre Dame).


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
The Gator Nation can't catch a freaking break! Now we have another few months of rumors and turmoil!


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Crap, If he stayed the Gators could have a good recruiting class he recruits the Offense and Coach Boom recruits D. Now I hope the OK States, the Horns, and Sooners lights up Kansas and they will because Charlie can't recruit D (look at his tenure at Notre Dame).
I'm so pissed--but it's more about the TIMING screwing us (and another sleaze-job--these ego-ridden scum-bags will say ANYTHING, then DO anything, depending on what they want at that moment)--in the long run, I think maybe we're better off without Weis...but now that he was here, to do this , and do it NOW, well...
Actually, I've pretty well COVERED my various thoughts on all of this in commenting on the column "Charlie Weis Leaving Gators, taking Kansas job..." by Travisduncun. Would like to now get y'all's the "regulars' reactions and views on all of the various points, layers complexities and possible consequences of this latest "smack upside the head". Tried to think of the main ones for discussion, but know I mist have missed some big ones...either way, if you get a chance, scan it and throw your own reactions and ideas out there.


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Like I said to Leakfan above, IA: if/when you have a chance, check out my comments responding to the Travisduncan column, "Charlie Weis Leaving Gators...". Threw all that hit me about this right off and got it out there for y'all to comment/react to/further comment on (and I sure don't have the desire to go through it all again).


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
I agree that not having an OC is actually an upgrade over having Cheeseburger Charlie, but the timing sucks for recruiting. The more I think about it, the more I am glad it happened this early in the recruiting game and bowl preparation. Good riddance to the offensive genius that gave us the 104th ranked offense.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
I guess now that Cheeseburger Charlie is out of the picture, it is open season on jokes about him:

- Now that Cheeseburger Charlie is no longer eating with the team, there is more food for the players to bulk up and get tougher.


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I guess now that Cheeseburger Charlie is out of the picture, it is open season on jokes about him:

- Now that Cheeseburger Charlie is no longer eating with the team, there is more food for the players to bulk up and get tougher.
These observations aren't so much "jokes" as things I noticed but couldn't really say--too much in the vein of "cheap shots" at the time--but now fall into that same category of "open season"...
For one thing, he sure wasn't any kind of shining example when it came to either conditioning OR self-discipline, both major problems on this team as the season wore on--ESPECIALLY on offense.
Then there's that routine he had of sitting there at that one spot on the bench all game and having the playing-QB come and sit beside him when he came off the field, presumably to discuss and critique his performance, the ongoing flow-of-the-game, etc.--but the main unsayable fact of the whole set-up was that obviously Weis didn't want to have to actually stand up and move that fat @$$ of his around the sidelines!
Again, the sad thing here is that these AREN'T jokes, but truthful observations of our now (in the long run thankfully) EX-OC.

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