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UF vs Auburn in Atlanta


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Yeah, I get a kick out of it, too. But ya don't want to cross the line into giving the other coach and his team any edge--and that line shifts from coach to coach, game to game, year to year.


VIP Member
Meyer has not been able to run the score on Richt. Spurrier ran the score on UGA because of his playing days 20-30 years prior! Now, that's a grudge. What has Meyer done? Called two time outs at the end of a game, and that's about it, other than just winning. No complaints. I prefer the Gators to just win without pissing off the rest of SEC by trash talking. Sure, it was entertaining, but I am okay without trash talk.

What do you called a 49-10 victory in 2008?


Super Senior Member
If we make it to Atlanta with Auburn, looks like win or lose that game, we could still be SEC champs. Of course, I'm talking about everything crashing on Cam Newton and Auburn. Lets say they beat us in the SECCG, and they get their season forfeited, do we become the SEC champs?

The Zooker

VIP Member
If we make it to Atlanta with Auburn, looks like win or lose that game, we could still be SEC champs. Of course, I'm talking about everything crashing on Cam Newton and Auburn. Lets say they beat us in the SECCG, and they get their season forfeited, do we become the SEC champs?

Nope. There would be no champ listed for that season. You have to win a championship on the field, not by default. That's precisely why Auburn should continue to play Cam. If he's busted then their whole season is forfeit anyway. They might as well go for the win so they can at least get some bragging rights that they won it on the field.


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I wouldn't want it that way, by default (literally!).
Of course, when it comes right down to it I wouldn't want it Auburn's way either--talk about "expensive"...and I'm not even talking about the cash!
But you're right about Auburn's approach: at this point, why WOULDN'T they go "all in"?
Either things will "turn out OK" (less and less likely as that seems) or they won't--in which case, "get what we can", from their P.O.V. Either they think THEY won't be sanctioned, or they know they WILL be, if it goes that far, and nothing they do now will change that.
By the way, from the "Hate to Say I Told Ya So, But..."-Dept: while driving around this morning I was listening to the national ESPN radio-feed and heard an analyst raise the inevitable (and to me, dreaded) two-worded monster, "rogue booster". As I predicted some days ago, this will of course be the "out" for Auburn, the ready-made argument already being dusted off and polished for presentation to the NCAA when that other shoe ultimately drops.


VIP Member
Nope. There would be no champ listed for that season. You have to win a championship on the field, not by default. That's precisely why Auburn should continue to play Cam. If he's busted then their whole season is forfeit anyway. They might as well go for the win so they can at least get some bragging rights that they won it on the field.

See 1984 Florida Gators. From this half they need to do something to win this game like throw downfield.
Hey Zooker, you have that donation handy? Might want to get you checkbook out..we need some offense quick..did someone steal Addazios playbook he had written on a Shoneys napkin??

The Zooker

VIP Member
Hey Zooker, you have that donation handy? Might want to get you checkbook out..we need some offense quick..did someone steal Addazios playbook he had written on a Shoneys napkin??

I'm doubling it. Two Benjamins to firesteveaddazio.com and if there isn't a fire Meyer site up before long, I'll pay for it too. I'm livid. Pathetic coaching. Meyer went from the top to the absolute bottom. I can't stand it.


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lol, i was pretty angry last night

We ALL were. NOT unwarranted, either.
In fact, looking it all over (there's no WAY I'm watching the replay I have avail.--the posts are as close as I'l get to that), no one has anything to be embarrassed about in their assessments, however anger-and-alcohol-fueled they may have been.
Putrid. Again: the worst performance of a Gator offense I have witnessed in more than 30 years.
im not too mad lol i knew we sucked all yr those wins over uga and vandy didnt fool me i thought we had a chance against SC but i knew aub would own us in ATL and that not happening doesnt bother me


Super Moderator
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Super Moderator
im not too mad lol i knew we sucked all yr those wins over uga and vandy didnt fool me i thought we had a chance against SC but i knew aub would own us in ATL and that not happening doesnt bother me

Hard to argue, but that doesn't change HOW bad this performance was by that offense.
That DEMANDS some kind of immediate, dramatic response--"if not from Meyer, then WHO?" is all I'm askin'...


Super Senior Member
Nope. There would be no champ listed for that season. You have to win a championship on the field, not by default. That's precisely why Auburn should continue to play Cam. If he's busted then their whole season is forfeit anyway. They might as well go for the win so they can at least get some bragging rights that they won it on the field.

I figured there just wouldn't be a champion. And believe me, I wasn't wanting anyone to win by default. I was just thinking about how things would be listed in the history books.

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