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Tebow told Dan Patrick he can't guarantee a return to UF


Gator Fan
I just can't put my finger on it. I have no idea what Tim is going to do.

Florida quarterback Tim Tebow was upset with Dan for coming to the Florida-Georgia game on Saturday and not hanging out with him. But Dan says Tebow was too locked in and he has an issue with last year's Heisman winner wearing Crocs before the game.

Interestingly, Tebow wouldn't guarantee he is returning to Florida next season. Tebow said he's going to talk to his coaches, pray about it and make the best decision after the season. Dan said he'd probably be able to wear his Crocs in Lions colors next year.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
He seems like the kind of guy who would stay another year. Besides, who was the last Florida quarterback was successful in the NFL? Sexy Rexy? Wuerffel? Matthews? How about Spurrier? Does Tebow even need to go to the NFL?


VIP Member
I bet us winning (or not winning) the national title this year would play a major part in his decision.

I agree. I would think he would come back, and try one more time to get the PERFECT UF undefeated season. I hope he comes back one more year!

I don't want him going to the Lions! :(


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
I hope he stays one more year besides that's what Danny Wuerffel his idol did.

I think he will stay, graduate, and follow Danny's footsteps. Like I mentioned in another thread, if Tebow plays in the NFL, his career might not go to far--he's too nice, he doesn't do steroids, and he hasn't played in a pro-style offense.


Gator Fan
From everything he's said in the past.... paraphrasing here. (too much effort to look up the actual quotes)
Love College Football
Love the Gators and all that is Gator nation
Loves the college experience etc....
I'm sure that he has talked to many who have left early. From the football players who left to the '04's. Most recently, "Sticks" comments about how much he misses Fl enough to want to hang out here during offseason.(Noah misses Gainesville)
To me personally he just doesn't seem like he wants to go to the NFL yet.
I agree. I would think he would come back, and try one more time to get the PERFECT UF undefeated season. I hope he comes back one more year!

I don't want him going to the Lions! :(

im a Lions fan. i think he could combine with Calvin JOhnson, Kevin smith and learn from Culpepper and be set to be a star in 1-3 years, but the OL needs to be there.

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
There's so much scuttlebutt on Gator boards right now; only TIm Tebow really knows. I'm inclined to say that he stays - more than anything, his parents want him to get his degree and I'm sure thjat academics are still a higher prioroty over football.


Gator Fan
Speaking of leaving and scuttlebut. Did anyone else hear Terry Bradshaw's predictions this weekend? He used the words, NFL head coaching job and Urban Meyer in the same sentence!


Speaking of leaving and scuttlebut. Did anyone else hear Terry Bradshaw's predictions this weekend? He used the words, NFL head coaching job and Urban Meyer in the same sentence!

There's no way that happens. Meyer is a prototypical college head coach. He knows he won't cut it in the NFL.

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
Speaking of leaving and scuttlebut. Did anyone else hear Terry Bradshaw's predictions this weekend? He used the words, NFL head coaching job and Urban Meyer in the same sentence!

Terry Bradshaw is an idiot and a showoff; I woldn't take credence in anything he says.

Still, I don't see Tebow leaving school early, unless he changes his priorities which I don't see likely.



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