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Potential bad news

PhD Gator

Super Moderator
I'm not really one to throw rumors around, but it sounds like there is a very good chance a current Gator will be kicked off the team. I'm hearing Demps name being thrown around on Gatorsports, but I have no idea if that is true. However, it looks as though somebody will be gone unfortunately.


Gator Fan
Generally rumors are started for a reason... it's hard not to believe anything when it comes to athletes.

We'll keep an eye on the situation.

PhD Gator

Super Moderator
I'm confused... what's going on and is he getting kicked off the team ?
It appears as though Demps is definitely off the team. Nobody that I have seen has said what the reason is, but it is being confirmed all over the place so I assume it is true. :(


VIP Member
Meyer and gang don't like letting this stuff leak out. The same thing happened with Marcus Thomas. He was suspended, but we didn't know why. Then brought back for 2-3 games, then kicked off the team. No one was really telling us anything.


Gator Fan
well damn that sucks, but I wish we knew why hes getting kicked off if its even true

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