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new uniforms

I personally like everything about the uniforms. I want those gloves, those things are awesome. Has anyone seen any of the othere school's uniforms?? The only ones I saw were FSU's and they were terrible.


Super Senior Member
To those of you worried about UF changing the uni's next year: don't worry. Nike announced that UF might incorporate some of the technology into next years uni. I'm pretty sure that is just being said purely for marketing. If the technology is added to the uni, it will be just that... technology and not design. The lightweight materials will be used but it will be the same design as we already have. And as mentioned before, if anything were to be added, it would be the padded pants.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
To those of you worried about UF changing the uni's next year: don't worry. Nike announced that UF might incorporate some of the technology into next years uni. I'm pretty sure that is just being said purely for marketing. If the technology is added to the uni, it will be just that... technology and not design. The lightweight materials will be used but it will be the same design as we already have. And as mentioned before, if anything were to be added, it would be the padded pants.

Unless they are a package deal. I knew earlier this year that UF was going to lighter pads and uniforms, because I get newsletters out of the engineering department bragging that UF engineers and physicists helped out with the design. Nike funded much of the research. I can only hope Nike will not package the uniform designs with the pads. I also hope the pads can be used in the regular uniforms, or else UF will have to buy the whole package. On the outside it just looks like an aesthetic change, but if the new pads are significantly different the old uniforms will not fit as-is. It might be as simple as going one size smaller on the uniforms, or it might not me. Hard to say based on a few pictures.


VIP Member
LSU looks like Washington and Mizzou looks like Hawaii. UF, Ohio State, and Oklahoma are throwbacks. Texas is both the same and throwback (with the helmets).


Gator Fan
I think they turned out to be ok. I definitely prefer the old uniforms, but they weren't as awful as everyone was assuming they would be!



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