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Murphy vs Driskel - Pro style vs Option style


Eventis sultorum magister.
One could argue that Driskel's involvement in Muschamp and Pease's pro-style attack has turned out to be a relatively unsuccessful attempt at pigeonholing a quarterback that belongs in an improvisation-based system. You could even venture to say that if Driskel was running similar plays to the plays drawn up for Murphy that he probably would have had more success as well, since they tend to take advantage of their athletic ability as quarterbacks; after all, both of these guys were specifically recruited by Urban Meyer as options for a spread offense.
IMHO the only reason that we didn't hear about Murphy and his ability before was his inability to run the type of pro-style offense Muschamp wanted to implement; it also seemed to have something to do with Driskel's potential as a pro-style quarterback, as the staff seemed to believe he had what it takes. That said, all of these issues with the Florida offense seem rooted in the continued push for pro-style offense while utilizing ill-suited personnel, almost a reverse situation from what happened with John Brantley in Meyer's ill-fated final season. (Remember Brantley running the option?) In a transition between two poles (spread and pro-style) there will always be a rough patch where adjustments must be made to accommodate existing personnel as time passes and the correct personnel for the system are recruited and developed.

Moving forward, it will be interesting to see if the play calling becomes a bit more "college" and a little less "pro," as the staff tries to tailor an offensive scheme to Murphy's skill set. A change like this could obviously be nothing but temporary, as Gainesville expects the arrival of the revered Will Grier, but, in the meantime, the spread offense we knew and loved from a few years back might be revived under the helm of Muschamp and Pease.
If this happens, look for a more exciting attack than before, and get used to No. 3 under center, as he just might help this juggernaut of a defense and the rest of the Gators on their trek towards Atlanta in December.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
I have been saying for years that JD should be used as a zone read QB. I like what I see in Tyler Murphy as a zone read and pro style QB, oddly enough. As a scout team QB, he had to emulate all QB styles, and it seems to have helped him.

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