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Knowshon Moreno


Gator Fan
This guy is getting a lot of hype and talk about winning the Heisman in 2008. I heard Bob Ryan on ESPN talk about how he'll be the favorite going into next year. I've also heard some local radio guys say the same thing.

The only way I figure he'll have a chance is if the Dawgs are BCS Championship contenders. And the Gators are out of it.
He came out of nowhere after injuries to others and he does look like the real deal.

We need to get some pay-back next year and put Georgia back in their place.

It is terrible that we lost to them this year.

Go Gators!


VIP Member
I hope my favorite pro team new england patriots gets knowshon moreno, he's sick. Wished the Gators picked him up. . .


Gator Fan
That kid is rediculous. I don't think he is any better than Percy Harvin or CJ Spiller at Clemson, but he came out of no where. Georgia just uses a more concentrated set of play calls when he is on the field. I think we got blindsided because of all the hype Matt Stafford had coming out of high school with his arm, so we prepared for him to throw all over our young defense. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if UT broke his leg next year before we face him again. But I'm sure the rest of the SEC is thinking the same thing about Tebow.


VIP Member
That kid is rediculous. I don't think he is any better than Percy Harvin or CJ Spiller at Clemson, but he came out of no where. Georgia just uses a more concentrated set of play calls when he is on the field. I think we got blindsided because of all the hype Matt Stafford had coming out of high school with his arm, so we prepared for him to throw all over our young defense. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if UT broke his leg next year before we face him again. But I'm sure the rest of the SEC is thinking the same thing about Tebow.

1. Ditto
2. My feelings would be hurt if any player got hurt.
3. While Knowshon was awesome against the GATORS, we lost partly because Tebow was hurt.
4. Harvin gets the Heisman in 2008!:Banane37:


Gator Fan
We can't make excuses for losses, injuries or whateverelse. I mean, Dan Mullen was coming off emergency appendectomy surgery at the Auburn game. I'm not saying I want Moreno or anyone else to get hurt, but if it happened it would be water on a ducks back to me.
I know that it would be great to have him, but I think we will all be pretty happy with Moody next year. :)

Our offense is going to be sick next year and the defense should obviously get better with age.

It is a great time to be a Gator!


Gator Fan
ya hes unbelievable, but honestly, it takes something beyong unbelievable to win heisman as a sophmore (tebow), even redshirt. So i don't see it happening. maybe once tebow is gone moreno will have a chance. but also he looked heisman against us. but lets be totally honest here, our defense wasn't exactly top in the nation last year


Gator Fan
I never even heard of knowshon before he played us. But that was definitely his coming out party.

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