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Julio Jones


Gator Fan
Good thing Florida doesn't play Alabama this year because Julio Jones is going to be the real deal. He's like Michael Crabtree 2.0


Gator Fan
be serious--last I checked a team is made up of more than one player no matter how good or hyped he may be--I'm happy you're happy for bama and julio, but wait awhile before you bestow all world status on him


Gator Fan
Having a freaking nutcase alabama fan as a husband:helpsmilie:.... they get hyped over everyone new... Terry Grant was supposed to be the best thing ever... and John Parker Wilson was supposed to be the end all be all of all quarterbacks. Bama fans are delusional. He does look like he is going to be good. But that doesnt make them anymore consistant than they were last year.

I give them about 3 more years of the Saban era for them to be able to actually make it out of a 2 rate SEC team.

J-ville Gator

VIP Member
While he has looked good in practice, yet has not played a down of college football, could we hold off just a little from anointing him the next Micheal Irvin? Thanks.


Gator Fan
I think he'll be a very good college WR. He's 6'4" 220 lbs and fast as lightning.

With that said, he doesn't scare me one bit. Alabama still has John Parker Wilson throwing the ball don't they?
John Parker Wilson is the most experienced QB in the SEC and will benefit from a more quarterback-friendly offensive scheme with shorter passes, just getting the ball into the playmakers like Jones' hands. And with the way their running game looked tonight, I don't think Bama will have to rely on his arm as much as they have over the last couple years.


VIP Member
JPW played a great game last night against Clemson.

Maybe Clemson is overrated, but Alabama is an SEC West contender.

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