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If we lose the bowl game...


VIP Member
Will that affect how you viewed this season and our accomplishments? Or does a non BCS bowl game really matter to you?

PhD Gator

Super Moderator
It would definitely make the season a little more disappointing if we lost our bowl game, especially while being heavily favored. But, in the long run it wouldn't be a huge blow to the program or anything. Meyer does always say that winning your bowl game is a big boost to recruiting though, so let's just get the win and keep the momentum going.


VIP Member
It would be a humiliating loss. It would tarnish our waxing of Ohio State last season, not to mention embarass the SEC, against the "slow" Big 10. Oh yeah, and App. State beats Michigan IN Ann Arbor and we can't beat Michigan with basically homefield advantage? We can't afford to lose this game.


Gator Fan
I hate to say this but YOU SUCK for even suggesting this. What would posess anyone to even comprehend a loss. Listen if you want to play Devils Advocate then at least wait till the game is done. What a waste.


VIP Member
I can't believe they lost, the offense was so hot, but the reasons why is because of course horrible defense and horrible o-line. . .

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