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Houston Nutt fired.


Hayley Loves her gators
Thats pitiful, that guy in my opinion was a good coach, course anything arkansas does doesn't surprise me, I think before Houston got there, they went through like 5 or 6 different coaches, and they wonder WHY they can't win,,,here's a thought,,,KEEP YOUR COACH!!!! MORONS, and stop expecting a national championship in 1 year, Arkansas is not a bad team, but after reading what they did to a coach that knocked off the #1 team LSU then fire him,,,pffffft thats pathetic!!!


VIP Member
After an 8 - 4 season and knocking off #1 ranked LSU....that is what I call a travesty!!! Just 2 weeks ago, the Arkansas hierarchy denied the firing of Nutt. Ooooopppppssssss! Someone lied!

There were a lot of pre-season problems with parents and players, but if that is the reason - why not fir him before the season? Seems like a bad time to fire him whether you like him or not.


VIP Member
Ole Miss did pick up Nutt.

Arkansas didn't fire Nutt, he resigned and it wasn't a forced resignation either.


Hayley Loves her gators
Houston Nutt, knew his job was in jepardy way before the LSU game, After the game in which arkansas won, coach houston nutt was given the option to sign a 2 year extention, But Houston thought it would be better if they just went there own ways, The AD and chancellor white didn't want to see houston go....Houston said he told his team, they play on one heart beat, and it wasn't there anymore. Houston walked away from arkansas and collected close to 3.5 million, bless his heart pfffft


VIP Member
His job wasn't in jeopardy. He would not have been fired. He chose to leave because he wanted to be part of a team where everyone was behind him not just half of the people.

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