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Guess who's gonna be sitting 11 rows up at the 50 Saturday?


VIP Member
Me. LOL . Just found out, my cousin got some free tickets and is taking me n the wife. Can't wait chomp chomp!!!! Should be a good game, we better win!!!!


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You DOG!!! I am SO envious!
(Congrats, man. 11 rows up from the 50 in the Swamp for Tennessee? "Yes, those will be adequate..." SCORE!)


VIP Member
Pretty much exactly what went thru my head when I got the text LOL.....I can't friggin wait!!

I just hope our secondary can improve enough to hold tenn qb brey from another 400 yrd game


VIP Member
Yeah im concerned about our young secondary also, but at the end of the game when we pull out a win make sure you walk up to a tennessee fan and chant ROCKY FLOP, WOOOOO


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Shariff back at just the right time. Pressure is the key for the defense.. Pressure and picks. We've talked a lot so far about the offense, but our "D" leads the way going into SEC play, maybe the whole season (though at some point, either we FINALLY see some balance from the offense with Brantley at quarterback, that vertical passing game that we all know is missing, or we better hope that Driskell is ready to go at some point in October, latest).

Awww, F*CK the D*CK!!! Does life HAVE to be so ironic?!! In the middle of this text, just NOW, I get a text msg. from the Sun-Sentinel that "Dee Finley, LB for the Fla. Gators, was just arrested Mon. after being pulled over on Campus"...here we go: a distraction AND a possible loss in depth in our secondary right at the start of Tennessee week. GREAT. I don't know which is the bigger problem: selfish head-case kids or the jackbooted SS-officers of UF-UPD. I'm gonna go find out more.

(Later...looks like I'm more-or-less right on BOTH counts, head-case player AND over-zealous semi-cop, if I understand the police report--which is a little hazy, not-so-surprisingly, considering they obviously have inflated the charge to a 3rd-degree felony, FOR PULLING HIS WRIST AWAY when the cop himself says he grabbed it, that Finlay "yanked it out of my grasp, straightened up and rounded on me, straddling his scooter..." (and, according to the report, "only backed down when the officer produced his taser") . Driving with a suspended license--but the reasons behind that were fines he had just paid last Wed., it seems--like I said, "Hazy..." then this all STARTS with him going around a barricade ON HIS SCOOTER 'cause "I'm late"...Stupid, self-centered and self-destructive, but a felony for "Resisting Arrest"? Huntley will get THAT knocked down, most of this will end up consolidated into some mostly traffic-related misdemeanor charge-and-fine; Coach MAY sit him down for a game (maybe now, maybe once there is a legal resolution), and the biggest Q becomes how it affects preparation for Sat.--or even more, How to minimize it?)


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Yeah, he's down the depth chart--THAT'S a bullet-dodger, for a change (in the Meyer years it would always be, like, the key guy)...the main idea here is to minimize its effect, which Coach has shown a real feel for so far. Mission for the "D": limit young Mr. Bray. (BTW, what do y'all think of Coach Boom moving completely away from Meyer's "Celebration of the Rivalry Games"-approach? I understand his thinking--players already know what's happening, how important, business-as-usual/keep-on-the-same-routine--and that it may be one more way he "turns the page", but I ALSO know that athletes can be very superstitious, and we all know what great success they had in rivalry games during the Meyer years...started breaking down a bit LAST season tho', along with that "we-don't lose-in-the-Swamp"-mystique, so maybe it IS time for a change?
Hey guys, i am a Gator living with and among the enemy (I live in Knoxville, married to a UGA grad/face palm). I actually went to the Vols game Saturday.. nope, didn't sing Rocky Flop.. actually wore red and black (Cincy colors, lol).. The Volds have no running game, and their only receiver is Hunter.. tall kid, but Bray stares down his receiver when he gets to the line! I could see that from upper deck! He doesn't look off other receivers at all.. Poole is a decent running back but i don't think Cincy has that great of a defense..
Anyway... hope we can lay the lumber to them.. we haven't lost to them sice i moved up here, won't be able to stand it if my co-workers have the upper hand... Go Gators!


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Welcome, TBS (great handle, btw)--you ARE in difficult territory (and it can't be that much easier for your spouse), but it just goes to show: Gator Nation goes any and EVERYwhere!
Hope you're right about the Vols--of course the media is playing them up, one guy on ESPN's College Football Live calling Tyler Bray a "sleeper Heisman candidate", and picking Tennessee to "upset the Gators in the Swamp". All we've been hearing is what a great passing game they've got, and so on. Meanwhile, I'm not alone in my concern regarding our passing game, especially our thus far missing vertical game. Sure don't want to get in a shoot-out with ANYONE 'til we show we've got long-strike capability with Brantley at QB. The "D" HAS to step up--pressure is the key.
Long as we continue to get tough defense and Weis continues to unveil a widening flexibility on offense, we should win this one--get all I hope for above, and we pull away in the 2nd half. Eat 'em up!!!


Super Senior Member
Didn't UAB have a stud QB and great passing offense???? Now I know UAB is not UT, but we still delivered.

What I am looking at in this game is the line of scrimmage. This is he first big test for our O-line, they did good in the first two games, but this is the SEC. Plus we finally have our complete D-line, I want to see them do work against an SEC line. Powell, Howard, Easley, Floyd!!!


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Our lines were considered a question mark (even rated a "weakness" over the whole season due to those questions, mainly with experience and depth, by most "experts") on BOTH sides of the ball coming INTO the season, have turned out to be strong and getting stronger, a real plus. As you say, though, THIS is the SEC now, so consider it our first "midterm". I don't think they've been doing it with mirrors, so I expect both the "O" and "D" lines to continue to get it done. That should give us the edge, especially in the Swamp. However, what the OFFENSE can do with that edge will continue to depend on Weis' ongoing unveiling of "Version 2011", and Brantley's ability to run it...but we all know the risks/rewards equation THERE.

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