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Georgia Bulldogs vs. Florida Gators Game thread


Gator Fan
Florida Gators vs. Georgia Bulldogs Game thread


#11 Florida Gators vs. #18 Georgia Bulldogs

Saturday, October 27, 2007 - 3:30 PM ET CBS

Jacksonville Municipal Stadium - Jacksonville, FL​


VIP Member
Rain is good for us because it means Stafford wont be able to throw as well down field and burn our young corners. But GOOO GATORS!


VIP Member
What the heck happened in this game. I watched and Harvin looked good, James looked good, Moore had a few mistakes, Tebow aside from being hurt looked fairly good. Where was the Offensive Line.

There's no reason a QB should be sacked that many times in one game. Something was definitely off today. Also...I don't like to say this because I like Tim Tebow, but you can't have your entire offense depend on one person because see what happens when he gets hurt. Tebow's passing game looked good, but without him running they need to figure out what to fill those plays in with.

Lets win next week....


VIP Member
What the heck happened in this game. I watched and Harvin looked good, James looked good, Moore had a few mistakes, Tebow aside from being hurt looked fairly good. Where was the Offensive Line.

There's no reason a QB should be sacked that many times in one game. Something was definitely off today. Also...I don't like to say this because I like Tim Tebow, but you can't have your entire offense depend on one person because see what happens when he gets hurt. Tebow's passing game looked good, but without him running they need to figure out what to fill those plays in with.

Lets win next week....

One word: DEFENSE.

It was nonexistent.:mad:
I love my Gators, but there were some absolutely dumb play calls on both sides of the ball today. 4th and 2 and a double (single?) reverse? Not calling a TO when the offense looked confused on that play? I heard (not confirmed yet) that the snapper that caused the final nail in the coffin had only snapped the ball twice all year? Did someone get hurt? Once again - a 10 yard cushion on long 3rd down plays? I know some of the the CB's got burned earlier (again this year), but how the hell do you allow that? Yuck!

Go Gators.


VIP Member
One word: DEFENSE.

It was nonexistent.:mad:

True.....it sure looked like they were giving the Georgia guys a lot of room to run their routes. I mean come on guys....ya gotta keep up with the other team and not let them run away from you.

Did we sack their QB at all? I'm not good at remembering all the details. I know that the pass defense needs a little work, but so does the offense. You really just can't let your QB take that much heat...especially if he can't run the ball.


VIP Member
It was a bad game all around. But I do believe with a 100% Tebow, we would of won the game. We weren't that far off. The way I see it, a healthy Tebow gets that 4 and 2 on a run. And we score a TD that possession. So we are down five. And a healthy Tebow is more focused and gets that snap, better yet it wouldn't of even been a bad snap. We score a TD at the end of the game right there and win by two. But who knows. Our defense would of had to make a stop to end the game. Doesn't look like it would of been easy the way they were playing.


Hayley Loves her gators
I Love My Gators Also, Even Tho The Outcome I'm Still Proud Of Them, They Played There Hearts Out, Our Defense Will Get Better ;)


VIP Member
Yes. They will get better. It's inevitable. But currently have our worst scoring defense since 1976 (25.6ppg). Like all of you I support my Gators and back them 110%, but just pointing out there is some room for some obvious improvement.


Gator Fan

Because Tebow is just so hot... His hot-ness transcends any loyalty one might have for their own team. I mean, when I see that big square jaw, I get all fluttery in my stomach. God he is so awesome... I want to stalk him...

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