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Gators in the NCG versus who?

Swamp Thing

Gator Fan
Is the common consensus that Texas will be in the National Championship game or does anyone think they'll lose between now and then, making way for someone else?

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
If things go "according to Hoyle" and it's not Texas, the next one in line is likely Cincinnati, unless TCU pulls a "BCS-buster". If Georgia Tech wins the ACC, they're a logical choice as well.


VIP Member
I think if it's not Texas, it'll be an undefeated Cincinnati. But if Cincinnati has 1 loss (as does Texas), TCU or GT would be an interesting game (and I'd expect UF to absolutely crush either team).


Gator Fan
no your all wrong...USC will some how sneak there asses in the NCG, be it luck or Pete Carrol and the athletic director slipping 20K and 3 trojan cheerleaders as a bribe....in all seriousness, im for w.e reason gonna go out on a limb and say Texas


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
It will be the Longhorns. That's okay with me, because I live here in Longhorn country and I want to see my Gators romp on Texas and shut these guys up around me.

Swamp Thing

Gator Fan
Texas could be last year's Penn State

Last year, Penn State was undefeated around this time and a 5-4 Iowa knocked them off. Texas still has to play Kansas and Texas A&M, both of which are 5-4. I'd love to see them lose one.

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
Last year, Penn State was undefeated around this time and a 5-4 Iowa knocked them off. Texas still has to play Kansas and Texas A&M, both of which are 5-4. I'd love to see them lose one.

The upset I would just LOVE to see is Auburn over Bama in this year's Iron Bowl.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
no your all wrong...USC will some how sneak there asses in the NCG, be it luck or Pete Carrol and the athletic director slipping 20K and 3 trojan cheerleaders as a bribe....in all seriousness, im for w.e reason gonna go out on a limb and say Texas

Not this year. Next year, I see this happening. The Pac-10 is poised to be next year's media highlight. This year, the SEC haters are ragging on the fact that we play 8 games against our own conference, 3 Division-II powderpuffs, and a possible in-state out-of-conference game. Supposedly, Pac-10 is gaining ground in the debate over the best conference because they play 10 of 12 games against their own conference. This year, we will sit back and make sure neither Florida nor Texas choke and watch them slug it out for the National Championship.

Next year, the media will turn against the SEC and tout Pac-10 next year as long as USC stops choking on unranked or less-ranked Pac-10 teams. That is, unless Bama and Florida prove everyone wrong by defeating whomever they face in their bowl games.

The Boise States and TCUs will enter the media frenzy as well if they keep on rolling opponents and if they make a strong showing in this year's bowl games.

ESPN is already griping about Florida, Texas, and Alabama, but again I point out the statistics. The stats support my claim that SEC and Big 12 are the superior conferences in this era of parity. Until we get a sweet-16 playoff system, the national champion will probably be shaped by the strongest conferences even if the wins don't look pretty.

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