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Florida Gator Faithful: Don't Point Fingers at John Brantley


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I'm getting feedback from folks in Fla. who've seen Driskell play against their sons' teams the last few weeks, and they've all been BLOWN AWAY with this kid's arm, accuracy, speed, elusiveness and poise.
I gotta tell ya: IF Driskell turns out to be as good at the next level as the growing buzz indicates (a big "if", granted), the rest is just "details"--we keep Reed at QB as insurance (at least part-time; let him practice as a receiver also, get him and Burton in there as backfield options), redshirt anyone ELSE we recruit the next couple of seasons at QB, and GET DRISKELL IN THERE AND LEARNING ON THE JOB ASAP.
Assuming JB stays his senior year, he'll begin 2011 starting, as things stand. Driskell gets more and more reps along the way--and at some point, if and when he's "ready", gets the chance to displace Brantley as the starter. If Brantley opts to move on (as some rumors have him threatening to do), then Reed comes into the Spring the de facto #1, but with Driskell having every opportunity to take it, pending his mastery of the playbook.
(Remember: all of the above is is a day dream, a projection based on an "IF"--predicated on the hope that this highschool kid is the answer to our Gators' football-prayers!)

The Zooker

VIP Member
Even when Driskel is the starter I think it would be a good idea to cycle in Burton and Reed from time to time to run. The human body can only take so much punishment.


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No argument here, Z--in fact, I like the idea about this being just an extension of the transition period, a way of working Driskell more and more into the offense. At some point he'll be on-the-field running the offense more than he is not, but with Reed and Burton still a part of the overall scheme. Not the "3-Headed-Monster" (you're right--that's desperation) but rather a matter of an evolving version of the Spread which allows for the teams growth and development but still takes advantage of the skills of our playmakers.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
If I had to predict how 2011 will start, I would rewind to 2006. I will put up a post on that in a minute.

The Zooker

VIP Member
There's been talk about Brantley possibly transferring. I don't think that will occur. But it recently crossed my mind that Jordan Reed might consider transferring. We all know he could be an effective starter for a lot of teams out there. If he has any hopes of playing in the NFL then I doubt it will come by being a change-up quarterback for us or a hybrid TE that gets a play or two a game. He's from Connecticut (or something like that up North) so it's not like he grew up a Gator fan or has family ties to the school/area. I think the kid has too much talent to let it be wasted here.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Check out my other article. There are a lot of parallels to 2005. Reed could transfer just as Portis transferred when Tebow came onboard. Portis was from up north and went to Maryland. Reed could transfer to just about anywhere and start sometime in the next couple years.


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Check out my other article. There are a lot of parallels to 2005. Reed could transfer just as Portis transferred when Tebow came onboard. Portis was from up north and went to Maryland. Reed could transfer to just about anywhere and start sometime in the next couple years.

Actually, there ARE some eerie parallels shaping up here (wouldn't mind a similar "ultimate outcome", huh?)
(=understatement of year)
Hey, BTW, speaking of "parallels", I guess you haven't missed those 'tween UF and UT this season as it has played out?
QB questions, changing offense missing the pieces it needs, OC ripped but Head Coach won't budge, losing streaks inclu. bad home losses, all coming down to trying to salvage season with win-on-road vs. cross-state rival...OK, we've got a better record and can blame more of our troubles on injuries, but then again our OC is TRULY inept (not so sure that's the case with Greg Davis), and OUR head coach is loyal to a FAULT (literally--as opposed to Mack Brown, who in my view is the smoothest, slickest phony-as-a-wet-paint-Michelangelo that has ever come down I-35, and who'd throw his "friend" under the bus in a heartbeat if it were in his best interest to do so).
No big point here or anything...just pointing out the interesting similarities--and differences.


VIP Member
Will Reed transfer, he's thrown more than Burton? Plus isn't he the one who wanted to be a TE? Maybe Driskel will not red-shirted depending on who leaves or moves to another position.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Will Reed transfer, he's thrown more than Burton? Plus isn't he the one who wanted to be a TE? Maybe Driskel will not red-shirted depending on who leaves or moves to another position.

Out of Burton or Reed, Reed would have the most likelihood of transferring. Burton dreamt of coming to UF since he was in diapers. Reed is from Connecticut and has no such allegiance. Reed also is obviously further along than Burton and could probably be a starter on half the other teams in America today. I have heard no such rumors of Reed or Burton wanting to transfer, and neither seems unwilling to switch positions. They could both come back next year, maybe with Reed at TE and Burton at-who knows-what/ TE-WR-RB.


Gator Fan
If you had a team of nothing but Burtons you would have a class act, winning team. That guy is what coaches dream of on practice and gameday.

The Zooker

VIP Member
If you had a team of nothing but Burtons you would have a class act, winning team. That guy is what coaches dream of on practice and gameday.

At the same time we really need to find a good position for him. Being a jack-of-all-trades won't be good for his long term success. I think he needs to be kept at the Aaron Hernandez style tight end position.


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Since THIS thread's title is one that actually came from an article still posted on the front page at "Bleacher Report/Florida Gators", and I am weary of my own arguments and yes, outright hopelessness at the thought of a repeat performance of "The Addazio/Brantley Offensively Ineffective Display" next year should they both remain in place, I will simply recommend a peek at the site's current offerings.
With new featured articles entitled "Will the Gators Be Back On Top in 2011?" and (my personal favorite) "Steve Addazio: Just How Horrible Is the Offensive Coordinator?", the contributors Jay Hendry and Neil Shuman respectively, both normally cool, even-handed and mainly supportive, now seem to have caught the impatience and exasperation that is by now rampant in Gator Nation--they sound like US several weeks ago!


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
I've read a lot if articles, blogs, and forums and they all have the same conclusions:
- Blame Addazio for the predictable offense
- Blame Brantley for not adapting to the offense he has been groomed for
- Blame Meyer for letting both happen

For my own sanity I have decided to move past that and hope for a better 2011. In 2010 we were one Chris Rainey and healthy Jeff Demps away from being 8-3 (maybe 9-2), and one Caleb Sturgis away from being 9-2 (maybe 10-1). Maybe I've been drinking too much, but I think next year we have enough talent to overcome Addazio, and Driskel has enough star power to push Brantley or replace him.


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I've read a lot if articles, blogs, and forums and they all have the same conclusions:
- Blame Addazio for the predictable offense
- Blame Brantley for not adapting to the offense he has been groomed for
- Blame Meyer for letting both happen

For my own sanity I have decided to move past that and hope for a better 2011. In 2010 we were one Chris Rainey and healthy Jeff Demps away from being 8-3 (maybe 9-2), and one Caleb Sturgis away from being 9-2 (maybe 10-1). Maybe I've been drinking too much, but I think next year we have enough talent to overcome Addazio, and Driskel has enough star power to push Brantley or replace him.

Hope you're right.
(Can't even EXPRESS how badly I hope it...which should give some idea of how strongly I feel--but must lock away down deep--the vain hope that they be "eased out of the way", especially the OC.)
I understand your reasoning above, but cannot forget our actual performances (and final scores--eg. 7 points AT HOME against MSU!) in those games. I don't wish to derail whatever hope and peace you find there but, personally, the best I can do in that regard is take a "wait and see" approach regarding fundamental changes of SOME kind coming to pass.
Meanwhile, GO GATORS! Beat the SOW--that will have to be enough for now.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Hope you're right.
(Can't even EXPRESS how badly I hope it...which should give some idea of how strongly I feel--but must lock away down deep--the vain hope that they be "eased out of the way", especially the OC.)
I understand your reasoning above, but cannot forget our actual performances (and final scores--eg. 7 points AT HOME against MSU!) in those games. I don't wish to derail whatever hope and peace you find there but, personally, the best I can do in that regard is take a "wait and see" approach regarding fundamental changes of SOME kind coming to pass.
Meanwhile, GO GATORS! Beat the SOW--that will have to be enough for now.

Exactly. Wait and see. We CAN beat the SOW. Too bad they are somewhat built like USCe, the team that thrashed us. Let's see if the new SOW coach can continue the tradition of losing to the Gators even with help from ACC referees (not that SEC refs are much better...history shows that in THIS game we tend to see worse officiating from ACC even in our wins than in SEC).


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Here is my favorite defense of Brantley, "It's hard to get your timing if you keep coming off the field for the other QB". Well, crap, a corner back reading your eyes looks the same whether you took the last 500 snaps or every 5 snaps.

My second favorite defense: "Brantley just was not built for this offense." What did Brantley think Tebow was mentoring him on?

My third favorite defense: "The offensive line sucks." True statement, but it has little to do with Brantley's ability to duck, dodge, and DIVE.

My least favorite defense: "He has too many expectations following Tebow." Again. True statement, but a Tier 1 team is going to have legend after legend to replace. If you don't like it, go to a Tier 2 school.


VIP Member
brantley is horrible.. I gave up on him ohh i dunno around alabama? get that kid out of the game. seriously.

drive 60 yards to the 20 with brantley not taking ONE snap. brantley's first snap of the drive? INT. YES! WOOHOO go brantley! if you're a nole... that's when i turned the game off.. as i check the score i see i haven't missed much.

i hope a bus runs over brantely and addazio.. then backs up and runs over them again for good measure.

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