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Ex-UF signee’s waiver denied, will not play for Auburn in 2011

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When last we heard from Mike Blakely, the former Florida signee who transferred to Auburn was hoping to receive a waiver from the NCAA that would permit him to play immediately for the Tigers. As expected, however, that request has been summarily dismissed. By way of Evan Woodbury of the Mobile Press-Register… and Birmingham News……

Source: CollegeFootballTalk.com


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Super Moderator
Damn right--Coach M "wished him well" at the time he left, but he HAD to be thinking this was the likely outcome if Blakely did go to another SEC school (or ANY BCS-level program, for that matter--but it was THIS possibility that had to be a concern, no matter what was said publicly). I was sure getting sick of this business of having to immediately face 4- and 5-star guys that deserted us, or somehow couldn't hack it or didn't make the grades. If they wanna play right away, let 'em go to North Alabama or some such reject-refuge...otherwise, you sit.


Super Senior Member
Don't make fun of N. Alabama, they are one of the dirtiest (I mean that in a good way) teams in D2 football. They are stacked with SEC transfers and have a coach with the last name Bowden.


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Super Moderator
I know they're good--and a program like theirs HAS to be there.
I really didn't mean to deeply dis them--I was just being blunt about the changed circumstances and narrowed options of the otherwise-talented athletes who manage to screw up badly enough to fall that far from grace.
(I actually almost used a made-up school name, something like "North Idaho Polytechnic" in that place in the sentence, but decided otherwise--sometimes my humor distracts from the point I'm trying to make, for some folks. I guess maybe I should remember I'm on a site with a generally more insightful readership, who can keep up. My apologies.)

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