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Could we lose both our OC and DC ?


Gator Fan
Rumors have both Dan Mullen and Charlie Strong being possible candidates for head coaching jobs. Even if it was a small time DI school, I think both coaches would jump at the opportunity to be a head coach. I wonder how our team would be next season if we lost both our Offensive and Defensive Coordinators?


VIP Member
I hope Charlie doesn't. If Mullen leaves I won't be that upset. Believe it or not our offense underachieved this year.:D
Well I will admit that some of the offensive (literally) play calls made in our losses really stumped me. Not sure if that was Mullen or Meyer. Overall he called a pretty good season I would say. I just never hope to see a double reverse on a 4th and 2 (or whatever it was) again. ;)

As far as Charlie, he has been the one to stick around for the different regimes and when Zook was around I hated our "bend don't break" defense that would just play so far off the ball that I wanted to throw the controller at the TV. That and almost always only rushing 3 DL's on long 3rd and 4th downs. Then again, our young guys (CB's) have done that this year and given up long 3rd downs. A coincidence? I have no idea.


VIP Member
Well I will admit that some of the offensive (literally) play calls made in our losses really stumped me. Not sure if that was Mullen or Meyer. Overall he called a pretty good season I would say. I just never hope to see a double reverse on a 4th and 2 (or whatever it was) again. ;)

As far as Charlie, he has been the one to stick around for the different regimes and when Zook was around I hated our "bend don't break" defense that would just play so far off the ball that I wanted to throw the controller at the TV. That and almost always only rushing 3 DL's on long 3rd and 4th downs. Then again, our young guys (CB's) have done that this year and given up long 3rd downs. A coincidence? I have no idea.

It's not Charlie's fault. After all, he coaches the Linebackers. Mattison coaches the D-Line. Our defense will be stellar next year. Trust me. This year we were young and dumb. Next year with another year of experience we will be much improved.
I agree with you that next year we will be much approved and should be in the thick of things for the SEC and the MNC due to the defense improving. I was just saying that they are co-defensive coaches. If you are implying that the fault of the defense is on Mattison, I am not sure I agree. I will agree that I do not want to lose either of them though! Go Gators!


VIP Member
I agree with you that next year we will be much approved and should be in the thick of things for the SEC and the MNC due to the defense improving. I was just saying that they are co-defensive coaches. If you are implying that the fault of the defense is on Mattison, I am not sure I agree. I will agree that I do not want to lose either of them though! Go Gators!

Never said that. But trust this: Any defense that doesn't get pressure on the QB is going to have a hard time defending against the pass. Last year our secondary wasn't much better but was masked by our stellar defensive line play, and also by having one amazing safety in Reggie Nelson. When we start getting consistent pressure on the QB our secondary will seem totally revamped.:D
Oh - well crap, yes - we did not have a rush because our guys were young and some were smallish. Those guys are going to be BA the next couple of years!


Gator Fan
I wouldn't be surprised if Strong gets an interview or two this year. I doubt he'll land a head coaching job though.

I think it's funny that after the Gators won their first NC, that stoops got offered the Oklahoma job right away. Gators win their second NC and Strong doesn't get a sniff.


Gator Fan
I have heard Mullen's name circulating more than Strong's. Charlie might get the interviews since there is pressure to interview minorities for head coaches (which I am for). Who would be a good replacement for either? Tenudo from Georgia Tech on defense? Offense would be harder. The only OC that has ever come close to running a great spread offense left Clemson to head coach West Virginia in 2000 or 2001 (Rich Rodriguez).


Gator Fan
It would be nice to steal Willie Martinez from UGA for defense, but I doubt Richt will let him go. Mullen has been with Meyer so long, so I hate to see him go.


VIP Member
I heard Strong about a few openings. Heard them mention him in the Michigan job.Please let Mullen leave. I cant stand his play calling.

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