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Carl Johnson good to go against Garolina on Saturday


Gator Fan
hes still playing on a somewhat injured knee. It won't be fully ready to go by Saturday and he won't play as good as he usually does.

This does not mean he won't play well though.


Gator Fan
hes still playing on a somewhat injured knee. It won't be fully ready to go by Saturday and he won't play as good as he usually does.........
Doesn't sound like a problem.........
The left guard position is looking pretty solid now with Johnson and the possible return of Jim Tartt. Additionally, Meyer said redshirt freshman James Wilson has had his best two days of practice this week


Gator Fan
You don't have to get upset by my opinion.

Hurt knee in a lineman even if its good enough to play=trouble

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
The left guard position is looking pretty solid now with Johnson and the possible return of Jim Tartt. Additionally, Meyer said redshirt freshman James Wilson has had his best two days of practice this week

At least Meyer has a Plan B in the worst-case scenario. Moving Marcus Gilbert off that position in favor of Carl Johnson after the Ole Miss loss was a smart decision that paid off.

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