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2007 Bold Predictions


VIP Member
I predict Tim Tebow misses 1-2 games to injury.

Not a good prediction, but I just have a feeling he might get hurt if he's running the ball a ton.


VIP Member
I predict Tim Tebow misses 1-2 games to injury.

Not a good prediction, but I just have a feeling he might get hurt if he's running the ball a ton.

Dumb prediction. He won't miss any games due to "injury". He may sit himself on the bench for two games. Tebow can't be hurt.


Gator Fan
Tebow Is Tough You Have To Give Him Credit, "he's A Bruiser" , But There Are Allot Of Talented Individuals In The S.e.c. That Could Put A Good Lick On Him, But!! I Think Are Boy Would Shake It Off And Step Up!but Don't Forget, The Boy Does Have One Hell Of An Arm!!!! Can You Say Air It Out , Then Ram It Down Your Throat.... Hell's Yeah !!

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