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10/20: Addazio, Brantley talk about execution on OGGOA


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Only Gators Get Out Alive breaks down the players' comments on execution:

Addazio: “The run game is a big part on first and second down."

Two words: Trey Burton.
Two more words: Mike Gillislee
One more word: Fullbacks

Meyer: “What you do is you try to make decisions to put your players in the best positions they can [be in] to make the plays they need to make,”

I guess this means they are using the same plays next week.

Addazio on throwing the ball downfield: “We’ve thrown the ball downfield. We’ve thrown it downfield. [We] took a couple real shots at it last week. And we’ve taken it..."

Addazio on throwing to Brantley at wide receiver: “It’s always a possibility.

Then throw the ball! If Deonte drops it, send in a frosh receiver. Make Demps a receiver. Something.

Brantley at WR? Why not? Cris Collinsworth came to G'ville as a touted QB, and the rest is history.

Brantley on being wide open when lined up at WR: “It’s whatever. If I was a team, I wouldn’t really guard me either.”

Ummm. Scratch my last statement.

Read more: http://www.onlygators.com/10/20/201...alk-about-execution/#more-20277#ixzz12wjtoX82


VIP Member
soooo basically what they're saying is.. they're not changing a damn thing and we're going to get our asses handed to us at the WLOC... *sigh*

even a dog eventually learns you can't do the same damn thing and expect different results.. it's like beating your head against the wall thinking you'll eventually NOT get a head ache from it.


VIP Member
Addazio on throwing the ball downfield: “We’ve thrown the ball downfield. We’ve thrown it downfield. [We] took a couple real shots at it last week. And we’ve taken it, I remember clearly throwing one downfield against Alabama"

EXACTLY.. ONE.. F'ING ONE... jesus christ this guy is about dumb as a brick.. u can't just take one shot a game... take multiple. like 4 or 5.. 1st and 10 from your own 30? air it out.. fuck it. we're not getting anywhere with the stupid ass dive plays either.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Here's my take on this. We get another game to pretend we know better and say "told you so". Enjoy the show. It will be a lot better next year after a few months of reflection. (Read between the lines...my brain is on cruise control for the rest of the Gator football season. I will watch, just so I can watch the future players grow. The youngsters will probably remember this year and be determined to not let it happen again.)


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
There's the positive attitude! To be honest, we had a great 2010 recruiting class, but the coaches are less likely to put in freshmen than other teams. Fine. I will be cheering for the youngsters, even if they are sitting on the bench. I will bet they will be fired up enough to get us maybe into championship contention. This year, I will try not to stress over 6-6 versus 5-7.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
right but the multi loss years didn't look nearly as ugly as this one..

True, but <insert excuse here from the following list>.

- we lost over 20 players from the greatest Gator class in history
- we lost Tim Tebow, arguably the greatest college player in history
- we lost Dan Mullen, and without Tebow we cannot run that exact offense
- it was a good run and we should be happy
- it's only one bad year amongst many good ones
- Urban Meyer will be back to his micromanaging self soon enough
- the sun will come out tomorrow


Super Moderator
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Super Moderator
The "greatest Gator class in history", yes--that this same approach made look uneven and inconsistent (and, truth-be-told, no fun to watch) while they failed to achieve what should have been theirs for the TAKING...I'm just saying.
'Course, I too missed just how much that told us about certain inherent problems on the horizon; there WERE those who caught on to some of this early, even before the SEC Championship game.
You know what, though? I'm sick of analysing what went wrong and where it began. By now it's pretty damn clear we've got big problems and if we don't all agree on exactly what they are or everyone responsible, we're all certain those problems are there and probably agree on a whole lot of the details--which apparently is more than can be said for whomever is in charge of this program. You certainly wouldn't know it, either who's responsible or what they plan to do about it (if anything), by the statements of either Addazio OR Meyer.
In Meyer's case, compared to what we've seen in the past and come to expect from him, it has been mind-boggling. We know Addazio is in over his head, but Meyer? He appears just as lost. Those post-game comments have become like episodes of "The Twilight Zone".


Super Moderator
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Super Moderator
Oh, and LeakFan, THAT is the point: yes, they lost that 1 game--and it had Tebow crying on the sidelines and damn near knocked Urban Meyer right out of football!
Why? Why does it still feel bad, to all of us? Because this WAS the greatest Gator team of all time, and it felt as if "destiny" had somehow slipped through their (and by extension, OUR) fingers.
Even at the time, I didn't blame the players (with the possible exception of Dunlap)--I felt BADLY for them. In retrospect, I remember the whole season that proceeded that game as a strange, tense, "under-achievement-even-as-they-kept-winning" blur. Most of all, it just wasn't much fun to watch.
Maybe the most instructive thing we can take from it all is the Sugar Bowl win: after everything, with Addazio demoted and not calling plays (and Loeffler in his place--there's some hope THERE), all the pressure off and the offense turned loose, that team finally ignited and displayed what it could do--and to many of us, "What could have been."
Some "One Loss Seasons" are better than others...and it's not "funny".


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
As for Tebow's crying, it's been replacement with moaning and groaning from thousands of fans including myself.

There is a lot to be said for a field general that loves the game so much that he cried that hard for a loss. Also, based on the prima Donna attitudes we see, I am apt to believe my friend's story echoed in one of the local papers that many of the players were saving themselves for the NFL and did not play 100% at the SEC championship. Just let Timmy handle it, right? I'd cry too if it were true.

Maybe we need a field general on offense and defense that gets emotional not just about wins and losses, but execution and discipline.
guess they wanna fall completely flat on their face lose out and not even make a bowl game :bananajump:

dummies shoulda known newton was better and named him the starter


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
guess they wanna fall completely flat on their face lose out and not even make a bowl game :bananajump:

dummies shoulda known newton was better and named him the starter

I'm not convinced Cam was meant for the Gators. All things happen for a reason. Sure, inadvertently buying a hot laptop isn't a hanging offense, but deciding to throw it out the window an lie to the officials is bad judgement. Urban Meyer gave the kid a chance, and look what fate does--he could win a Heisman or a national championship. It's fate.

The Zooker

VIP Member
Cam was slacking at practices and wasn't progressing at all. That's why he was urged to leave after the incident. That was his wake up call. He went to JUCO and busted his tail off and learned how to play football. Now we see the final product of Cam after he actually tries to be a good player. The staff at UF couldn't have known any better. All they saw was a lazy slacker who appeared dumb and then made a bad legal decision. So I can't really blame them. If they would have kept him around and he didn't make that change then his attitude could have infected others in the program. So in the end I think Meyer made the right decision with the information he had at the time. For all we know, the product we see now would have been impossible to make without events occurring as they have.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Cam was slacking at practices and wasn't progressing at all. That's why he was urged to leave after the incident. That was his wake up call. He went to JUCO and busted his tail off and learned how to play football. Now we see the final product of Cam after he actually tries to be a good player. The staff at UF couldn't have known any better. All they saw was a lazy slacker who appeared dumb and then made a bad legal decision. So I can't really blame them. If they would have kept him around and he didn't make that change then his attitude could have infected others in the program. So in the end I think Meyer made the right decision with the information he had at the time. For all we know, the product we see now would have been impossible to make without events occurring as they have.

Agreed. I am Escambia94 and I endorse this post.

By the way, have you seen this kid throw off his back foot? He throws better with the ugliest throwing motion than anybody else I have seen. He can fire a laser off his back foot while scrambling backwards! His OC probably saw that and thought, "This sure is ugly, but I'm not messing with it as long as he's airing it out." Urban Meyer's offense might not have let him do this. Cam passes out of the spread well when he is rolling, but in the pocket he would rather run up the middle. I still think Trey Burton would throw well if his offense let him move to the edges. Trey and Cam have the same ugly throwing motion, yet Trey will probably be converted away from QB next year. Interesting.
cant deny we could be a 1 loss or undefeated if we had newton

we got alot more talent then auburn

but after seeing newton run over that vol his freshmen yr i could tell he'd be the faster stronger version of tebow and he's proven that

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e60_8ln-MgE"]YouTube - Cam Newton Trucks a Vol[/ame]

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