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#1 and #2 Lose!


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About time those teams show their true colors, playing frigging nobodies all year haha haha haha haha I love it.


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About time those teams show their true colors, playing frigging nobodies all year haha haha haha haha I love it.
I do agree, BUT...Notre Dame, who've had the easiest, namby-pamby ride through what was ALREADY a 2nd-rate schedule compared to ANY SEC-team, even BEFORE we learned that even their relatively "tougher" games this season turned out to be the weakest version those 2 or 3 programs each have fielded in YEARS, are now #1 (and Lou Holz has his first erection in 1/2 a century). The last of those, USC, who they play next Sat. in their finale, were themselves in the throes of a Kiffy-kins-led sub-par season--and now it has come out that their leader, senior QB Matt Barkley's shoulder may have been SERIOUSLY injured against UCLA today, may not play, and thus practically HANDING the Irish their final "pass" to the "Plus One"...
This is REALLY another possible "OUCH" for us, because as the projected #4 team behind 'Bama and UGA after Sunday night, a Notre Dame loss and a Tide win over Georgia (putting THEM at 2 losses), predicated of course on our actually BEATING the 'Noles next weekend (no foregone conclusion, by ANY means, he under-stated...)--wait for it--WOULD have put the final likely #1/#2 at "Alabama/FLORIDA"--Yep, under that particular now vanishingly small-odds long-shot but still-far-from-IMPOSSIBLE combination of outcomes emerges the likelihood of the dreaded ALL SEC "Plus One" Championship--with US in it after ALL!!!
Bottomline, though: We (well, our players, anyway--we can yap about whatever we like--though it'd probably be doing the team and ourselves a favor if we at least toned it down some on campus, at any rate) need to just settle down, focus on the team and game right in front of us and go after one more "dull Gator-win", ANY kind of "Gator-win"--EVEN another UGLY one...WHATEVER--to get ourselves into the post season with just the one loss.


VIP Member
We have a shot especially if ND loses and The gators beat those Noles. Of course if UGA and Bama win their season finales and face off against each other. I want UGA to beat Bama so the Gators can rematch those dogs and hopefully with better refs.


Gator Fan
I've been saying for a while that this "3 and a cloud" offense (really 1 or 2 and a cloud) won't serve us well in the long run. After what happened to #'s 1 and 2 on Saturday, just think where we'd be if we had brought an Offense to Jacksonville.


VIP Member
I've been saying for a while that this "3 and a cloud" offense (really 1 or 2 and a cloud) won't serve us well in the long run. After what happened to #'s 1 and 2 on Saturday, just think where we'd be if we had brought an Offense to Jacksonville.

Honestly, I don't think offense (or lack there of) was an issue. I think the Refs screwed us that UGA game and don't care how many times I said it or if the SEC or NCAA read this.


Gator Fan
Honestly, I don't think offense (or lack there of) was an issue. I think the Refs screwed us that UGA game and don't care how many times I said it or if the SEC or NCAA read this.

That may be the case, but if we had any offensive consistency at all, the bad calls wouldn't make a difference. Oh how I'd like for this team to be capable of putting up numbers like the Fun and Gun used to. But, it looks like the days of being able to score more than 12 points are gone.


Gator Fan
BTW, USC's QB may not be able to play against ND. Looks like the stars are aligning. Be careful what you wish for ND......looks like you'll be playing Bama or Georgia. Good luck with that.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
I am not getting my hopes up for Florida being in the SEC CG. If the Gators beat the Noles and win their bowl game, that will be a great success given the state of this team. With this #100-ish ranked offense, the Gators do not belong in the national title hunt. Yes, defense wins championships, but offense wins games. In terms of offensive output, turnovers and penalties, this offense does not deserve a title shot. Period. End. Dot. I refuse to even think about the Gators in a national title game and getting embarrassed on a national stage.

The Gator offense is what it is. It is built for a couple things: read option, I-formation, and QB draw. That is it. Our receivers are too small to block the perimeter, and they have hands of stone. We have one receiver, but he is a tight end that has to split time between blocking and receiving. We have a porous offensive line that only gives the QB about 2 seconds to make a decision.

How do we fix this? No matter who the QB is next game, he cannot have the same "launch point" on every down. He needs to move around the pocket, roll out of the pocket, or move behind a moving pocket if he wants to throw. If we are running, we need to bring in an extra blocker or two or three. If we are going zone read, we have to execute and stop fumbling and bumbling the ball away. Make no mistake. This offense is not going to air it out. This offense is not going to wake up against FSU's very fast defense and suddenly mount 200 yards passing and 100 yards rushing. The Gators will win this game with defense and conservative offense. The Gators will score more than one touchdown if and only if defense or special teams get a gift from FSU.


Gator Fan
Big picture-wise, I'll take 10-2 all day. I just hope that the "brain trust" has bigger plans for the offense in coming years.
It would be hard to imagine this offense getting that many wins next year.
BTW, I nominate Caleb for our offensive player of the year.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Here is further analysis, based on a a nice read from SBNation:
First, I knew that K-State and Oregon were frauds at #1 and #2, because they do not play any defense, and neither do their opponents. Here is how the SEC can climb back into the national title game:
      • If Alabama beats Auburn and Georgia beats Georgia Tech, the winner of the SEC title game will face Notre Dame in the BCS title game (so long as the Irish defeat USC).
      • If Notre Dame is upset by USC, then the SEC champ likely would face Florida in the BCS title game, if the Gators get by Florida State in their season finale. It could be Cocktail Party II, just 400 miles south.
      • If Notre Dame and Florida both lose next week, then either Oregon or Kansas State could sneak back into the title game to face the SEC champion.

The SEC will only get shut out again if UGA gets upset by Ga Tech and it beats Bama. I do not see both of those happening.
Florida State cannot get into the Big Dance by beating Florida and winning the ACC. It already choked on NC State, so it is done trying to jockey for anything other than the ACC title and a BCS bowl. I suppose they can claim another "state championship" by beating Florida, not that it really does anything for them. Some will argue that FSU being Florida helps their recruiting, but that really is not the case. If FSU were in a real football conference, then I would see the added value of them beating Florida.
Anyone complaining about SEC scheduling two to three cupcakes per year needs to pay attention to what just happened. SEC front loads its conference games in September and October for the most part so that by the time November gets here and the BCS is picking apart every loss, the SEC teams are only picking one another off. The SEC also gets a good idea of who the real BCS contenders are by October, whereas the pee-wee conferences are still scratching their collective heads the week before Thanksgiving trying to figure out which team to send up against the SEC just to get schwacked. Sucks to be them.
So call the SEC lucky all you want. It's really all part of a masterfully conceived evil plan, concocted by Roy Kramer and perfected by Mike Slive.


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Honestly, I don't think offense (or lack there of) was an issue. I think the Refs screwed us that UGA game and don't care how many times I said it or if the SEC or NCAA read this.
That may be the case, but if we had any offensive consistency at all, the bad calls wouldn't make a difference. Oh how I'd like for this team to be capable of putting up numbers like the Fun and Gun used to. But, it looks like the days of being able to score more than 12 points are gone.
You're both right, in that EITHER one NOT being the case would have probably flipped the score our way...add to those the SIX TURNOVERS not having been a part of that "wrong day for a flat performance", and you can see how we really had to WORK at losing that one--It STILL took a fumble inside the 5 as we were driving to tie it, after all...
As for bemoaning the "Fun'n'Gun", we used to lose 2 or 3 games a year with that "super-potent offense", remember...If we can hold onto Pease for at least another 2 or 3 seasons, and build the kind of balanced and relentlessly dominant power-pro offense he has in mind, one that plays off a steady downhill running game behind a tight O-line--with a creatively designed, multi-tier passing game, to force defenses to "pick their poison"--then takes the rest from whatever they therefore inevitably leave open--with Muschamp and Quinn's defense already coming into its own (and for sometime to come, it seems), the Gators could well be everything y'all are hoping for in the seasons ahead.
Big picture-wise, I'll take 10-2 all day. I just hope that the "brain trust" has bigger plans for the offense in coming years.
It would be hard to imagine this offense getting that many wins next year.
BTW, I nominate Caleb for our offensive player of the year.
Our defense will be younger and less experienced next season, but even deeper and MORE talented, and a certain amount of that "experience" IS being developed among the freshmen this season...As for the offense, well, if recruiting goes as well as it appears, how fast a certain portion of the incoming class comes on to fill out that squad will tell the tale: If the returning guys can just stay healthy this time, we SHOULD see an upgrade in our O-line and at WR to go with our already strong play at TE--and with Taylor at RB beside Joyer, and backed up by Jones (who's been showing signs of "getting it", and of why we went after him in the first place)--on balance ours should be a more productive offense in 2013. The trick will be getting to mid-season without losing a game: I believe like most young teams we'll get better and better as the season progresses, the freshman and returning players becoming more and more in sync, working more smoothly together on BOTH side of the ball. We'll be tough to beat, by ANYONE, by mid-October.
As for "taking 10-2 all day"--I WON'T, not in the seasons-to-come: I fully expect this team to regularly challenge for the SEC-Championship on an annual basis from now on, and THAT makes "10-2" essentially a "disappointing" regular season--especially once we get to the year-AFTER-next and the 4-team Playoff begins: Figure that we'll need no-worse-than 1 loss per season to get there each year, and I am actually EXPECTING our first UNdefeated regular season within the next couple of years...we're gonna be that good, and we'll HAVE to be to achieve what we are in fact being BUILT to achieve by this Head Coach and his hand-picked staff.
(Speaking of which: I understand that our current receivers-coach is a young protege of our OC's, supposedly has "a TON of talent", not-to-mention a good relationship with a number of the receivers we have (barring decommits) coming in next Feb., but given his part in finding and wooing this group, once he brings a passel of 'em IN for next season, how much is the onus then ON him that they indeed turn out to be playmakers, and that they develop quickly under him?)


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Escambia94 Re FSU, the SEC, the BCS, and RECRUITING: We've ALREADY "won" the most important aspect of "the recruiting battle" by finding ourselves near the top of the BCS rankings and a constant part of the discussion about "who deserves what" as the season winds down: Young players THROUGHOUT the South, above all and most importantly in Florida, hear and see all of that, and out of this season what will remain uppermost in all of their minds is who we are, that we're back and "banging on the door" and, whether we make it further THIS season or NOT, either they'll want to be part of SUSTAINING that excellence, or be a part of taking that "last step", getting over the hump and winning glory starring in our "return to greatness"....In short, the most important point is that we are, once again, the "Brand Name"-Program in Florida.
Having SAID all that, however, I would REALLY love to see us beat "the girl's school" REGARDLESS, for its own sake as much as any additional advantages that may accrue...and worry about all the REST, whatever may or may not happen "out there" AFTER we take care of our OWN business, much later. Of course, if things SHOULD fall a certain way after that, I am NOT unmindful of the once-seemingly farfetched possibility (and still apparently dream-world likelihood) that a potential all-SEC "Plus One" Championship involving US once more might loom (ideally perhaps involving the even more vanishingly small possibility that a rematch with UGA might be in the offing--though seeing how THAT would require, even AFTER Notre Dame losing to a Barkley-less USC team, Georgia beating Alabama, AND the West Coast writers and coaches not doing everything-in-their-voting-power to--much as they did to deprive Tebow his 2nd Heisman a few years back--leave us out of their Top 10 ballots ENTIRELY in order to make sure there WASN'T an all-SEC Championship a SECOND-year-in-a-row, I just do not see the point of worrying about that now).


Gator Fan
I get what everyone is saying about other Conferences playing weak schedules, but what pisses me off more, is 'Bama and Georgia have only played 2 good teams each, which they both lost to one each. So they're 1-2 against "good" teams while Florida is 4-1. So the two teams in the SEC with the easiest schedule make it to the SEC Championship. Hate it, 9 game conference can't get here quick enough. #vent


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
I get what everyone is saying about other Conferences playing weak schedules, but what pisses me off more, is 'Bama and Georgia have only played 2 good teams each, which they both lost to one each. So they're 1-2 against "good" teams while Florida is 4-1. So the two teams in the SEC with the easiest schedule make it to the SEC Championship. Hate it, 9 game conference can't get here quick enough. #vent

I drew up a 9-team conference rotation that would work out well. The assumptions are that each SEC team would have to stick with one permanent division rival on a 2-year alternation, one permanent inter-division rival on a 2-year alternation, and the rest would rotate in 4, 8, or even 16-year rotations should the conference go to 16 teams. For example, Florida's games would look like this each year:
  1. Georgia (SEC East permanent rival) - every year
  2. LSU (SEC West permanent rival) - every year
  3. SEC East, rotate through 5 teams every year
  4. SEC East, rotate through 5 teams every year
  5. SEC East, rotate through 5 teams every year
  6. SEC East, rotate through 5 teams every year
  7. SEC East, rotate through 5 teams every year
  8. SEC at-large, rotate through remaining teams every 4 years
  9. SEC at-large, rotate through remaining teams every 8 years
  10. Out of conference game, AQ team
  11. Out of conference game, mid-tier team
  12. Out of conference game, cupcake
  13. (SEC Championship)
  14. (Bowl game)
Each SEC team would be guaranteed 12 games. Teams qualifying for a bowl game would get 13. Two teams would represent their divisions and get a 14th game. The Big 12-SEC game would be a bowl game for someone. In this set-up, each team would rarely see a cross-divisional rival. Personally I would be okay with dropping one OOC game and slipping in a cross-divisional rotation. Unfortunately, this would mean that some teams would only see each other once every 8-16 years...unless the SEC dropped two OOC games.


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I get what everyone is saying about other Conferences playing weak schedules, but what pisses me off more, is 'Bama and Georgia have only played 2 good teams each, which they both lost to one each. So they're 1-2 against "good" teams while Florida is 4-1. So the two teams in the SEC with the easiest schedule make it to the SEC Championship. Hate it, 9 game conference can't get here quick enough. #vent
Then take a look at teams like Notre Dame (atop the BCS now, of course) and Greater Urban Columbus State (currently so beloved of the AP)--I'm sorry, but even the jealous voters in the BCS, who hate and resent the SEC, admitted this past weekend in anonymous polling that virtually NONE of them believe the Irish would beat ANY of the SEC teams ranked currently IN THE TOP 25!!! And take a look at the F*ckeyes' record against whom-they-have-played (even before recalling how close most of those games were)...Finally, checkout FSU's overall competition in this, (for them) an average-scheduled season: Sure, they supposedly have the "#1-ranked Defense", supposedly ahead of even OURS, but whereas WE played that NCAA-determined "most difficult schedule this season" against all those Top 10-ranked SEC-teams, they pile up THEIR stats against a pile of weak-sisters in their "proud ACC", by now rated among the so-called "Mid-Majors" for difficulty--and not even among the best of THOSE.
One thing NO ONE can deny about us: We ARE "tough and battle-tested".


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Another point: With Maryland and Rutgers (ie. one ACC and one Shrinking East program each) going to the "Big and Slow We-Have-Trouble-Counting" Conference, there is talk of one or BOTH of the conferences they are leaving going "belly-up". This has been projected re the "Weak and Ever Smaller East" Conference before, and "good riddance", maybe, but whatever happens to THEM (and they'll probably find takers who'll be HAPPY to step in with little "fall off" in stature, that being not hard to accomplish in their case), the "Atlantic Coasting-On-Their-Reps-Against-Weak-Sisters" Conference DOES have some programs who at least consider THEMSELVES "football schools"--and there STILL remains their healthy status as a first-rate BASKETBALL Conference--so they have a real problem now. They must actually find some schools--that's right, plural: they're likely to need an expansion of sorts to re-energize confidence and stature for themselves henceforth--that have BOTH, oblong- AND round-ball programs-of-note, and be pretty good at ONE of them at LEAST, in order to be taken seriously from this point forward.
Now taking suggestions: Louisville from that "Small and Deteriorating East"? Syracuse, too? Maybe more? Maybe others? U-Conn? Who ELSE?
I know it may be early, even "premature", but something to throw out there, especially after next week and we get a "first taste" of the "Dead Zone" ahead...OK--we'll discuss this further come a few weeks into the New Year...

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