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Official Game Thread: Week 0, #9 Florida Gators 24, Miami Tropical Depressions 20 8/24/19


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We had them first and 10 inside their 40. 3 plays later we are punting from our side of the field. Our punter (who's been our biggest star today) pins them deep--but it sure doesn't yet look like we are coming back in this one. Can this D pitch a shutout rest of the way? Not sure we win even if they DO--but it may well be the only chance we have. No WAY I thought we'd see THIS weak an effort from this team, led by these coaches.


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Now. CAN the Gators put just ONE 40 yard drive together? This is what--their 3rd or 4th try at it since the 2nd quarter. If only we had a QB who could hit it over the top.


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God, Franks looks absolutely lost out there. But he CAN make the dink'n'dunk play: First down thanks to the officials missing the offside by the tackle. We are inside the 10--but how in HELL will we get it in the endzone? Franks can't throw tge fade; 3rd and goal...


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What kind of play was THAT??? No CHANCE that was gonna get the TD. So we get 3--and are clearly "playing to stay close". That's WORSE than "playing not to lose", in my book.
Get ready for "Return of the Boo-birds", Filipe. Forcast: Filipe Franks has a nervous breakdown in the Swamp endzone by mid-season, shushing cheers after scoring in a by then already mostly irrelevant game in which he finds himself alternating with young Emory Jones...
(Just kidding...mostly).


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What kind of play was THAT??? No CHANCE that was gonna get the TD. So we get 3--and are clearly "playing to stay close". That's WORSE than "playing not to lose", in my book.
Get ready for "Return of the Boo-birds", Filipe. Forcast: Filipe Franks has a nervous breakdown in the Swamp endzone by mid-season, shushing cheers after scoring in a by then already mostly irrelevant game in which he finds himself alternating with young Emory Jones...
(Just kidding...mostly).


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Dumb mistake. Not really a bad one--but you gotta be really careful in one like this.


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You can just FEEL this one slowly, SLOWLY slipping away...Big run by Miami--but coming back, Thank God...Still: It's just a matter of time I think before one of these mistakes KILLS us now. We have NO room for error--and little sign of life from our offense, either.


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Damnit. Where IS our offense, anyway? They've had no real rhythm--and not much in the way of a coherent plan, either.


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I believe that our only HOPE now is that SOMEONE pulls something out of their hat. One of these "potential breakout stars" has GOT to come through. Another poor throw from Franks...and he isn't staying poised in the pocket, either.
Punt--and Gators recover thr fumble!
They damn well better take this one IN!


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Franks looks like SHIT there! I mean, he is a LIABILITY out there tonight.
He can't throw it in, and so Miami can tee off on the runners.
But Perrine scores on the run! And we are FINALLY back in front.
Damn. Now, if only MIAMI can return to their OWN bumbling play...


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I'll say it again: WEIRD game.
My dad had a saying back in his betting days: "BOTH these teams deserve to lose."
Hate to say it, but that's about the size of this one. If we DO manage to somehow hold on, DON'T screw ourselves some more, and eventually win this thing, we'll have little to crow about regardless--while Miami I think has played over their heads.
No matter what, I think we better rethink our "expectations" for this year, no mater how this 4th quarter goes. Filipe Franks is NOT going to lead us any further than he already has: He's a bit of a headcase whose talents are more than offset by his demons. The sooner we begim to turn to Emory Jones, the sooner we will start preparing for our real future.


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There's another stupid play by one of our guys. We are blowing this by the numbers. More missed tackles: TERRIBLE. Touchdown Miami.


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The REAL let down here has been from our D--just disgusting play: had guy lined up for loss, goes after ball-rip instead of tackle, misses completely and he breaks free and accelrlerates through a few MORE "MATADOR" tackles ("Olay!") and goes all the way. Down 3 again.
We really suck out here tonight.


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Fucking kyree Campbell
Yep. But plenty of crap out there. Lotta blame to go around. MOST of this is fixable--but NOT at QB.
Sorry. THAT part is pretty well a total mess: We have to lose to make the necessary move, I'm afraid.
That's it. Franks throws it late over the middle for the interception--missed an open Swain, over his head, or maybe WE score there instead--but Filipe has regressed to the inaccurate passer he used to be.
HAVE to hold them to 3, then what? Finally bring in Jones? He ought to, but I doubt it. I guess he feels his whole season depends on Franks comong back.
Fake--he holds on play, but our guy hits him outta bounds to screw us after all.
This is gonna do it, folks. We might have still had a chance, but now they are set up to maybe get the 2 score lead. Franks can't bring us back from that. I don't even know why I'm still watching. Man, this had been a fiasco.


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Well, looks like it'll be just a 6 point lead after all--No! Missed. So STILL a chance.
Unfortunately, that "chance" still depends upon Filipe Franks somehow leading this offense down the field. I say, if you got a long trick play, or several, TRY 'EM ALL!!!


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NICE. But wish he'd scored. How in HELL do we get it INTO the endzone???

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