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Tim Tebow Heisman?


Gator Fan
Hey guys I wanted to know if you guys think Tebow will win the heisman? His numbers this year are insane, I have never seen a quarterback put up that kind of numbers. Also congratulations on the FSU victory.
He has to play one more year - unless rules have changed. Both him and Harvin have to play 3 years if they played as true freshman. Correct me if I am wrong of course.

I would hope they both play 4 years, but I would guess that Harvin is gone after next year.


Gator Fan
I dont see how he can NOT get it either. I am just afraid the voters will not vote for him because of the whole sophomore thing.

Your exactly right because if Tebow was an upperclassman then it wouldnt even be debated. Some people are thick headed and will only vote for upperclassman.

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