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What was wrong with Reche Caldwell


VIP Member
I don't know if he has a history of drug or alcohol problems, but yesterday he did not seem himself. He dropped so many balls, including that one where he was WIDE open and waving his hands. No one covered him.

Did he buckle under the pressure? That's the only other explanation other than he was under the influence of something while playing.

PhD Gator

Super Moderator
I would definitely prefer not to assume anything such as he was under the influence. I think he was just looking to make a play before he looked the ball in. If you look at the one where he was wide open, he seems to look up to start getting ready to take off for the endzone prior to actually looking the ball in. I think this was the problem and I really doubt it had anything to do with drugs.


VIP Member
Ya I think he was just anxious and trying to create a play before he had the ball. He might have buckled under the pressure some. I know Gaffney had some big games in the playoffs, so maybe Caldwell is feeling like his job might be at stake. You know the Pats are going to cut Gaffney or Chad Jackson, so he might have been just nervous.

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