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Wednesdays With Dr. Football, Vol. III

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It’s time for Wednesday’s with Dr. Football, your weekly summer football fix. But first, a shout-out to the Gator softball team. LOUDER! Ohh-ohh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohh.

1. With so many teams replacing quarterbacks, the SEC race is as open as it has been in awhile. And I’m not just talking about the top. What’s a person to do about Missouri, which lost so much talent? And Texas A&M, which kicked two players off a bad defense on Tuesday? Or Georgia, which has already had to dismiss a pair of defensive starters in the offseason. Does Vandy go back to being Vandy with James Franklin gone? Is this the year Mississippi State gets over the hump? There will be no shortage of storylines in Hoover in July, but right now it feels like there are more X-factors than there are legitimate College Football Playoff contenders.

2. The sports information directors picked Alabama and South Carolina to win the respective divisions in the league and usually that would be of significance only because it’s the SIDs who usually vote in the coaches polls. But like all other polls, it’s value has been lessened with the new committee. My picks are Auburn and South Carolina. I’m riding that Auburn bandwagon until they push me off or it crashes into a tree. I just think the Tigers are going to be even better on offense with a year of the system under their belts.

3. Want to get fired up for football? Howe about the first Saturday? Here’s your schedule, assuming you are not going to the Florida-Idaho game. You set the alarm for 8 a.m. so you have time to read the paper before watching Penn State take on UCF from Ireland at 8:30. Who needs the silly pregame shows? When that’s over, go out for lunch and get a feel for the game day scene in Gainesville. Couple of cold ones and then back for Alabama-West Virginia at 3:30. You’ll need at least two TVs because you have Auburn-Arkansas at 4 and Clemson-Georgia at 5:30. As those games are finishing, get ready for FSU-Oklahoma State at 8 and LSU-Wisconsin at 9. See, you’re fired up.

4. The Sporting News is doing one of those summer things that we like to do in the media because it’s so dead. The online magazine is listing the 10 best players at each school. For Florida, they selected Danny Wuerffel, Tim Tebow, Steve Spurrier, Wilber Marshall, Percy Harvin, Rex Grossman, Jack Youngblood, Emmitt Smith, Carlos Alvarez and Fred Taylor. It’s not a bad list and some of it is obvious and some of it is based more on what they did as pros than college players (my pet peeve). All I know is that a list of the 10 best players that doesn’t include Lomas Brown and Wes Chandler is just wrong. I might have Maurkice Pouncey in there, too. Alex Brown? Sammy Green?

5. ESPN had a piece up on its website about how to improve college football recruiting. Here’s the best way to make it more reasonable and realistic — stop making such a big deal about it, ESPN. The network is a big part of the problem. But I didn’t see that in the list of ways to make it better.

Source: GatorSports.com - Dooley's Desk

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