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VOTE Tebow for heisman!


scroll down like all the way and look to the right. There is always a poll question there, it asks : " who is the front-runner for the heisman trophy? "

* Chase daniel, missouri- 8%

* darren mcfadden, arkansas- 17%

* todd reesing, kansas- 12%

* tim tebow, florida- 51%

* pat white, west virginia- 9%

Theres over 60,000 votes now! hurry and VOTE FOR TEBOW!!



Hayley Loves her gators
Well, I think tim tebow is gonna make history once again cuz there's NEVER been a sophomre heisman trophy winner, way to go tim!!!


VIP Member
lol this is so funny, only 4 states are non-tebow favored. I think he'll win for sure as long as he doesn't have an absolute horrible game versus FSU. Anyways, setting history as the first 20/20 player in NCAA history, and rushing touchdown record, I think that deserves the rights enough towards a Heisman award. if it wasn't for the defense being so bad, he would of never left the 1st place spot.
Yeah i think tebow will be on the recieving end of the heisman trophy this year. he's got 2,871 passing yards for 26 TD's and 749 rushing yards for 20 TD's: with a 68.5 completion percentage. so i believe he's got it


Hayley Loves her gators
Are we gonna discuss this like we did "IF" florida makes the SEC championship game? I mean only difference is, Tim pretty much has this rapped up....


Hayley Loves her gators
hmmmm, well I think the only one that may have gave him a battle was mcfadden and he had an awful game against miss. st. and BTW did you hear that the coach for arkansas is leaving? I read somewhere that larry coker was and idea, in 2001 he won a national championship with miami.

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