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USF game discussion thread

we cant run shovel passes anymore brantley isnt a run threat he always pitches it

option game is kinda screwed too

we need a dual threat to run those plays i hope the coaches realize and atleat get rid of the shovel pass

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
The key right now is to keep driving, not do anything stupid and control the clock. That, and keep these kids hydrated - it's like a sauna out there.


VIP Member
The key right now is to keep driving, not do anything stupid and control the clock. That, and keep these kids hydrated - it's like a sauna out there.

ya i walked outside it feels like 150degrees.....dunno how they do it out there. glad to see we turned it around after we FINALLY stopped throwing to thompson!!!!!!!

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
ya i walked outside it feels like 150degrees.....dunno how they do it out there. glad to see we turned it around after we FINALLY stopped throwing to thompson!!!!!!!

We still have some rough spots to iron out, but we've seemed to have found our rhythm and are settling down. It took awhile for us to warm up, but once we did we started making things happen.

Jeff Demps and Janoris Jenkins are my players of the game; they both deserve to grade out as Champions this week. Our freshmen are starting to show us what they're capable of doing out there as well, and they'll get stronger with more gametime experience.

Carl Moore is bouncing back after sitting out last year with an injury; it'll take awhile for Andre Debose to start showing what he's capable of.

We controlled the clock in the end and took charge of the game in the second half, and that sealed the win for us. That, and these kids persevered in the heat.

Time to cut Chicken-Little's head off and dress her; make mine Southern-fried with corn on the cob and macaroni & cheese for sides! :gator:

FINAL SCORE: Florida 38, USF 14


VIP Member
Janoris jenkins is looking 100x better this season than last. last season he was constantly blowing coverages. he's really impressed me this season. almost like he wasn't playing as hard as he could last year cause haden was getting all the attention. Loving jenkins this year.

and demps is a complete beast, along with gillislee. put those as a dual tadem running game, we'll be hard to stop.

i agree with the above about brantley needing to settle down. he's making errant throws and decisions. he's lucky it hasn't cost him an INT yet. but he's over thrown a few balls and pitched to the wrong guy a few times.

Pouncey bounced back huge. I thought he was gonna repeat last week after that first drive, but i'm glad he proved me wrong. he really stepped it up and made some nice snaps and blocks. way to go big boy.

hopefully we only get better. starting to look good out there. but we still have a lot of work to do. so hopefully next week can put together a complete full game of how our 2nd half was.

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
As I mentioned before, it took awhile for this team to get warmed up; once they seemed to get it in gear they took control of the game and played as though they wanted to win.

The offense is coming along slowly but surely; Scot Loeffler needs to work more with Brantley regarding his errant throws and field-judgment skills. The more he feels at ease with running the offense, the more he'll start to pile up the stats. (Any thoughts on possibly using a two-QB system alternating Brantley and Burton?)

The power-I was nice to see again in the deep red zone; I'd like to see more of that being used with a running back and fullback.

Penalties were an issue in this game; we need to keep this stat down.

Jeff Demps needs to be kept healthy; he's been a key player so far and just seems to light it up out there both on offense and special teams. Love this kid's work ethic, and he was also named an academic player of the week - he's a good student as well.

Justin Trattou's pick-six kept the momentum of the game in UF's direction and was a huge play. He and Janoris Jenkins are clearly the leaders on defense; it's nice to see some maturity in Janoris this year. The axiom "defense wins championships" still holds true, and once they got a feel of USF's offense they were able to shut them down, force turnovers and held them to only 14 points.

We start SEC play next week against the Vols; let's get the rest of the rough spots ironed out and get ready for the SEC slate.

Oh, and BTW I'll take some sweet tea with that fried chicken. :chef:

GO GATORS!!!!!!!!:gator::gator:


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Is it in the game plan to save our energy or something by laying low in the 1st half? If so, fine, as long as we win and the pollsters don't kill us. Brantley still needs to find a way to improve his yard per attempt and yards per completion, unless his running backs can bail him out. I am really starting to like running the spread out of the I-formation. I give the game a B. I agree that Demps and Jenkins should be players of the game.
we need to stop the tebow plays with brantley and just let the boy throw and hand it off

those shovel passes are uselss with him even tho they were great with tim and hernandez

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
Some random Urban Meyer post-game quotes I'm pulling off Twitter:

- Urban on offense: "Play action, handing ball off to some pretty good backs & OL that tried to control. That’s kind of what I think we are."

- "We’re more of a blue-collar team that’s going to find a way to knock 4 yds here, 5 yards here, then, bang, take a shot."

- Urban on Tebow: “I can’t watch because I’m working, but I'm ... real anxious to see him go back in Jacksonville and play.”

- Why didn't Hammond, Finley, Hill and Easley play? Urban: "Weren't ready."

- Urban on Hill: “Always concerned if a guy’s not played, but also saw what I saw during camp & that renewed commitment, so we’ll see next wk."

From Gators and More:

- Meyer said they tried to get Stephen Alli and Andre Debose more involved. Said that Omarius Hines needs to be more involved.

- Meyer singled out the offensive line and running backs. He said that the receivers still aren't where they need to be. Meyer said Deonte Thompson and Carl Moore had a good game. Meyer said that they tried to take some shots deep today.

- Meyer said Chris Rainey should be fine for next week. Meyer said Janoris Jenkins stepped in and did well on the punt returns.

- Meyer said the offense is a work in progress. He said they are still trying to find their identity. He said the Gators are very "blue collar" on offense...meaning four yards here, five yards there...working their way downfield.

- Meyer talked about UF learning an "embarassing lesson" last week.

- Meyer said Janoris Jenkins is playing through a sore shoulder.

- Six or seven of the opening kickoff team are true freshmen. Meyer singled out Neiron Ball, Robert Clark, Sharrif Floyd, and Quinton Dunbar.


VIP Member
we def need a kick off to locker room ass kickn of UT to give our guys some confidence and rythm for the bama game....I hope they dont sike themselves out being young and dumb lol(for lack of better terms)...


VIP Member
Better but still needs improvement. Well UT up next and it should be a massacre. I want UT to ran Dooley out by his second year (or third).


I didn't read this entire thread, so I don't know who went to the game, but that was absolutely the hottest game I've ever been to. A few people around me had to be carried out of the stadium for heat stroke. I even got a little sick after the game. It was brutal.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
I didn't read this entire thread, so I don't know who went to the game, but that was absolutely the hottest game I've ever been to. A few people around me had to be carried out of the stadium for heat stroke. I even got a little sick after the game. It was brutal.

You're my hero! You heard that Urban Meyer said that all the fans that braved the heat deserve a game ball. I'd hold Coach to his word and claim your game ball. I had to tell my Texas cohorts to pipe down on complaining about 90 degree Texas heat and our 30% humidity. These clowns have no idea what 94 degrees and 67% humidity feels like.


You're my hero! You heard that Urban Meyer said that all the fans that braved the heat deserve a game ball. I'd hold Coach to his word and claim your game ball. I had to tell my Texas cohorts to pipe down on complaining about 90 degree Texas heat and our 30% humidity. These clowns have no idea what 94 degrees and 67% humidity feels like.

Yeah man it was torture. Like I said, I was fine during the game. I guess all the adrenaline of sitting right next to the USF section kept me going. But as soon as I got on the interstate to head home I just lost it. I think I might look into sending a written request to Urb for my game ball.

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