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Time for Gators to roll?

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The dumb question of the week at Will Muschamp’s news conference Monday came from the back of the room (where the TV folks are perched): “Are your offensive players licking their chops after watching the Tennessee-Oregon game?”

Well, no. Duh.

Florida’s offense is not even remotely similar to Oregon’s up-tempo attack. UF’s skill level isn’t comparable to the Ducks’, either. Anyone who thinks the Gators are going to roll up and down the field and ring up 50-plus points Saturday obviously hasn’t been watching the UF offense the past two years. Or didn’t witness that five-turnover mess the Gators created in their 21-16 loss at Miami two weeks ago.

Let’s be realistic here. The UT defense we see Saturday will be nothing like the one we saw a week ago in Eugene. Florida’s offense will see to that. The Gators have been making opposing defenses look better than they are the past two-plus years. There’s no reason (even the Vols’ performance last week) to think things are going to suddenly change.

I imagine this game will be a typical, low-scoring dogfight that won’t be decided until sometime in the fourth quarter. I think the Gators are better than the Vols (especially defensively) and will prevail in the end. But if the Gators turn the ball over like they did two weeks ago, they’ll lose again. That’s a sure bet.

Prediction: Florida 28, Tennessee 17.

Source: GatorSports.com - Robbie's Playbook

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