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Spurrier’s new-found patience

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As we all know, Steve Spurrier had almost no patience with his quarterbacks at Florida. If they frustrated him or turned the ball over or kept missing the open receiver, he was quick to bring out the hook. He even once benched Danny Wuerffel, who went on to win the Heisman.
Spurrier has changed. At least that’s the signal he’s sending with his treatment of his senior quarterback at South Carolina — the much-maligned and often-suspended Stephen Garcia.
Spurrier has given him a second chance about five times. Now, he’s giving him another.
Although Spurrier suspended Garcia from the team last spring, he’s now on the verge of letting him return for this season. “He’s done everything we’ve asked,” Spurrier said at SEC Media Days on Wednesday. “He’s certainly behaved very well, gone to all the workouts from what I understand. So, right now, he in all likelihood will be set to return.”
Spurrier said Garcia will not be handed the starting role. He’ll have to battle Connor Shaw for the job in August.
Spurrier was asked why he has shown this unprecedented patience with Garcia.
“I guess we don’t want to kick him out for stupidity,” Spurrier said. “And there’s some reasons that he’s probably done some things.
“Basically, we do believe he’s a good kid, a good person. With this latest incident, we told him he could go play somewhere else if he wanted to, but he wants to stay. He’s made some lifestyle changes to stay. Hopefully it will keep up.”
He’s shown Garcia the kind of patience he never showed any of his quarterbacks at Florida. He must see something in Garcia — or maybe not enough of something in Connor Shaw.

Source: GatorSports.com - Robbie's Playbook

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