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Rex... out for the season


Gator Fan
Rexy's injury is season ending. I also think this is the last year of his contract with the Bears. I wonder if they'll resign him?


VIP Member
Grossman hasn't had a good pro career. His injury's have just killed him. It sucks but thats the way it is. If the Bears cut him, I don't see him getting a starting job anywhere else. Except maybe Atlanta.


VIP Member
Grossman hasn't had a good pro career. His injury's have just killed him. It sucks but thats the way it is. If the Bears cut him, I don't see him getting a starting job anywhere else. Except maybe Atlanta.

Unless Grossman's injuries are that bad, he will play somewhere. And he is the type that would play 2nd fiddle and help a team. I look for him to play again.

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