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Reggie Nelson dominating today


Gator Fan
Reggie Nelson absolutely dominated the Bucs today. He was laying some BIG hits on the Bucs players and sealed the victory with a game ending interception. He has the makings of what could be the best Gator defensive player in the NFL.


VIP Member
His new nickname in the NFL is "The Future", given to him by his Teammates. Easy to see why. He is "the future" of the NFL. He will be a yearly pro-bowl player. Can't wait to watch his career blossom. :Banana:


VIP Member
Lito Sheppard was doing pretty well about 2-3 years ago with the Eagles... wuts up w/ him?

I'm not sure bro. I think he's still on the Eagles. He might have even made a pro bowl a couple years back.

As far as Reggie Nelson being the best gator defensive pro in the NFL, he'll have to talk to Kevin Carter first.

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