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Pre-Game: Tennessee

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Well, guess I'll probably watch this one...Gonna be free tomorrow aft: My sinking heart and hopes (and previous declarations, to y'all and myself) notwithstanding, I don't see myself strolling SoCo with my woman, looking in stores and licking ice cream, at kickoff time on a Gator Gameday. Not yet, at any rate. May not be there at the end--or even past the first half, if things go badly early. Call me a deserter, but I am so pessimistic by now, so far down the "we've been cheated and betrayed" path to hardening my armor and looking to the future, I am pretty close to writing off the whole season. At least that's what I tell myself. Trouble is, I DO care, will always care about our school and team, so for all my hard words, I'll probably be around, if not "there" then not far away and never gone for long, til the very end. Damn it.
Saw my first "Gator Alumni say FIRE MUSCHAMP!" bumpersticker here in Austin the other day. Honked and gave him a thumbs up (God knows if he even knew why--people forget what's showing on the rear of their cars)...Guess I'm "that guy" now--though I always give a quick honk, etc. whenever I see a UF decal or license frame while driving around (again, usually to blank stares--think I've done the same to others, on occasion: "What the hell is with THEM?").
Just throwing stuff out there, I guess: Sort of attitude of, "We got a game, one we should win but who knows?" Got more talent than they do, always gives us a chance--but THEY are on an upward trend, and us, well, you ALL know my feelings on that. Point is, this Gator team looks like a follow-on to last year's; though healthier (*), we can still lose to anyone, I fear. "Fear". Hate feeling it, hate seeing it in my team. Don't believe we're going ANYWHERE good until it's gone, or at least reduced to a minor irritant that spurs a strong team ever higher. Sorry, but that isn't us. Not right now.

(*) Yeah, "healthier", but that's starting to deteriorate again, and (truth be told) personally, at this point I wouldn't call it a fatal tragedy (for anyone but JD--sorry man) if we were to lose him again and get to the start of the "Treon Harris Era"--at least get him in there and see if he's for real. If so, it'd be a head start on NEXT year and for Roper (though neither he nor anyone else would ever say it, maybe not consciously even think it; that's for @$$hole fans like me), assuming he's still OC. Likewise whomever our new head coach is. Likely to have a better chance of landing "that guy" with a truly promising, "big upside" QB with some freshman experience and seasoning, than not. Yes, E-, I know you disagree strongly--and even I don't feel very "clean, decent, honorable" in uttering such a cold, cynical and ungenerous appraisal, but there it is.


Gator Fan
Anybody else nervous that this game or is it just me?
I think EVERYONE is nervous. All I've read indicates the Vols are headed in the right direction and we.............
Well, let's just say this game is pivotal . Win and Mushie gets some time, lose and he's outa here.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
I am definitely nervous, but cautiously optimistic. This game determines for me whether I join the "fire Muschamp" bandwagon. I need three data points to draw a trendline, and today we will get that third data point: Kentucky, Alabama, and Tennessee. Win this game, and the goal of an SEC East championship is tenable and attainable.


Gator Fan
We can only hope that your optimism turns out to be justified, Escambia. But, I look at the schedule and I see a total of 4 maybe 5 wins for the year. Hope I'm wrong and you're right.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
I am not an optimist by nature, but I do think it is preposterous that many Gator fans are calling it quits on Muschamp only three games into the season, with one of those games being against an *improved* Alabama team. This Alabama team is only going to get better over the course of a season. We do not know much about Florida. The Eastern Michigan game did not tell us much, because top-tier SEC teams are expected to blow out these schools by 50+ points nowadays. The Kentucky team only tells us that division rivals can play each other hard on any given Saturday, even if it is "lowly Kentucky". The Alabama game just taught us that we are not back on top of the SEC, but more importantly it showed us how much better Alabama is on offense. Nick Saban is now willing to not just let the OC and QB manage the offense, but also attack opposing defenses. A defense full of freshmen, no matter how talented, will have lots of exploits to attack. The Tennessee offense is not designed to attack opposing defenses, so I expect the winner of this game to be the one that executes better with better talent. Florida has more talent for the most part, but Tennessee has been recruiting well lately and does possess young talent.

Florida should win this game. I think Tennessee needs Florida to screw up in order to win, because I doubt they have the talent and coaching to attack and exploit Florida's weaknesses. In other words, Florida will have to give away the game in order for Tennessee to win.


Super Moderator
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Super Moderator
We can only hope that your optimism turns out to be justified, Escambia. But, I look at the schedule and I see a total of 4 maybe 5 wins for the year. Hope I'm wrong and you're right.

I am definitely nervous, but cautiously optimistic. This game determines for me whether I join the "fire Muschamp" bandwagon. I need three data points to draw a trendline, and today we will get that third data point: Kentucky, Alabama, and Tennessee. Win this game, and the goal of an SEC East championship is tenable and attainable.

Anybody else nervous that this game or is it just me?

I'm about to put up the Game Day-thread, but these posts exactly address the things I would have opened with, so better here, I think (I also led towards this moments ago in comments on the "Am I the only one depressed...?"-thread):
From my POV, the main thing that MIGHT be decided for certain today is that Muschamp will be gone, and everyone will know it , should we lose this game today...maybe not mid-season (we won't revisit all of that here), but losing finally seals his fate for sure, I think. To some extent, it is my take that he'll face something like it for most odf the remainder of the season, though: I figure we have to FINISH strongly (from here on out, basically) for there to be any serious discussion of his staying, and actually reel off 5 or 6 wins in a row starting today to be back in the "finishes out his contract, at least" talk. But we must win these games against teams we have either lately dominated or should, AND show strongly against the "Big Rivals", look good, keep it close (not lose all of 'em, either), for even that , debate about staying with Muschamp, to be renewed. Until then, the best he gets is "let's see what happens this week"--even the "optimistic", "I'm not ready to abandon him" faction mainly says something like it. The rest of us now would have to be swayed back that he MIGHT be "getting it done". A loss today merely confirms our views. For me, anything but a masterful beat-down does that--and even that would be a "placeholder". Another bad one probably sinks him with almost everyone. So yeah, it's another "potential turning point"--but on a certain level EVERY GAME FROM NOW ON will be that for this Head Coach and his future here.
(by the way, mg, I don't think we have to worry about JD's "go or stay" decision and being "stuck with him"...I used to worry about that, but Muschamp long since tied his fate to Driskel, and now I figure either JD busts out or "the NEXT guy" gives him the word: "You should pursue your other options--PROFESSIONALLY..." He'll have the time and inclination to start anew.)


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Temporarily locking this thread so we can cuss and discuss on the game day thread.
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