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Is Richt in the hot seat?

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
Likely there'll be a shakeup or two in Richt's staff once the regular season is over.

Sub-par recruiting could put Richt himself in jeopardy; last Saturday's game didn't help his cause any.


Gator Fan
Ask my g/f, a Bulldog Grad, and the answer is a resounding yes. But if you do, who fills his shoes? Is there anything better out there? I dunno..


Gator Fan
Something should be going on in Athens when the hbc thinks the way to fire up your team for the biggest rivalry of the school, is to get them brand new shiny black helmets.


VIP Member
Ask my g/f, a Bulldog Grad, and the answer is a resounding yes. But if you do, who fills his shoes? Is there anything better out there? I dunno..

charlie strong? although i'd hate to lose our DC.. especially to a rival.


VIP Member
charlie strong? although i'd hate to lose our DC.. especially to a rival.

Hey I'm a big fan of Mr. Strong getting a head coach somewhere believe me but don't know if I want to him to coach at UGA however if he gets offered the job, I strongly recommend he take it because that's once in a lifetime offered the head coaching job for a good program. Most of us would take it.
UGA will not fire Richt. Richt will fire Mel Martinez though at the end of the season. If for some reason he doesn't then the school might look at firing Richt and Martinez, but Richt is smarter than that. When it's all said and done Richt will be the head coach and he will have a new defensive coordinator.


VIP Member
UGA will not fire Richt. Richt will fire Mel Martinez though at the end of the season. If for some reason he doesn't then the school might look at firing Richt and Martinez, but Richt is smarter than that. When it's all said and done Richt will be the head coach and he will have a new defensive coordinator.

Mel Martinez? What's the former FL senator doing coaching UGA? OK I'm kidding.

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