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How bad do you hate FSU?


VIP Member
Where do they rank on your most hated teams list? Don't forget these guys ripped up our turf a few years ago.
Going back through our historical rivalries:
1. UGA
2. FSU
3. Miami
4. TN
5. Auburn

As far as if I was just a recent fan:
1. FSU
2. UGA
3. TN

That was not an insult BTW. Just my current opinion.


Hayley Loves her gators
no insult here, I can go as far back as when charlie ward was at FSU, and when florida played FSU in the regular season then beat them in the sugar bowl for the national championship in 1996 ;)
Personally - I love when FSU & Miami lose. When they play each other I hope for a tie, but since that is not happening any more, I suppose I like Miami to win. :)

I always cheer for SEC teams against ACC teams.

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