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Gators = Sore Losers


Gator Fan
It seems like you guys should be used to losing the Ole Miss (lost 3 of last 4 and UM leads series 12-10). However, some of your fans and officials acted like jerks yesterday. First of all, Houston Nutt's daughters were physically moved by cops after the game when they tried to give dad a hug for a winning a big game. Second, some fans cursed some Reb fans, made derogatory comments about them. Third, a Reb fan asked for a piece of grass from the field from a reporter and some cop really overreacted in taking it from him when he went to hand it to the good Rebel. This is behavior us Rebels normally associate with LSU. Don't fall down to their level! We respect Florida as a good representative of the SEC, so try to act that way.


Gator Fan
It seems like you guys should be used to losing the Ole Miss (lost 3 of last 4 and UM leads series 12-10). However, some of your fans and officials acted like jerks yesterday. First of all, Houston Nutt's daughters were physically moved by cops after the game when they tried to give dad a hug for a winning a big game. Second, some fans cursed some Reb fans, made derogatory comments about them. Third, a Reb fan asked for a piece of grass from the field from a reporter and some cop really overreacted in taking it from him when he went to hand it to the good Rebel. This is behavior us Rebels normally associate with LSU. Don't fall down to their level! We respect Florida as a good representative of the SEC, so try to act that way.

Comparing that behavior to LSU is pathetic.

You sound like the sore winner coming here and whining like a school girl.


Gator Fan
You starting your post with "the Gators should be used to losing to Ole Miss" makes me not want to talk to you, but I am going to post. Ole Miss is the one who should be used to losing considering they have been irrelevant in the SEC for so many years. The Gators did not play well, so no excuses- we lost. Our season is not over- but Ole Miss's season has been over. Word of advice, do not come into The Swamp and try to take a piece of the field. Classless, but I guess it is a big deal to beat the Gators. Jevan Snead finally got his dream fulfilled of playing in one of the best stadiums in college football, The Swamp. Great win for Ole Miss. Heartbreaking loss for Florida. If Florida can operate at the level they are capable of, they can be the best team UF has ever fielded. We can still have a special season if we win all remaining games. It is going to be difficult.

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
It seems like you guys should be used to losing the Ole Miss (lost 3 of last 4 and UM leads series 12-10). However, some of your fans and officials acted like jerks yesterday. First of all, Houston Nutt's daughters were physically moved by cops after the game when they tried to give dad a hug for a winning a big game. Second, some fans cursed some Reb fans, made derogatory comments about them. Third, a Reb fan asked for a piece of grass from the field from a reporter and some cop really overreacted in taking it from him when he went to hand it to the good Rebel. This is behavior us Rebels normally associate with LSU. Don't fall down to their level! We respect Florida as a good representative of the SEC, so try to act that way.

What do you expect when you're playing in rival territory? Sheesh!

Look, don't rub more salt into our wounds or come here just to castigate our fanbase. It happens everywhere - not just in Gainesville and Baton Rouge.

I agree with Skyntyte. It's not the coaches' fault that we were as sloppy as we were (although it seems that many Gator fans are making a scapegoat out of Dan Mullen) - our kids made costly mistakes and have nobody to blame but themselves for not executing property and missing assignments. We need to go back to the drawing board, regroup and get ready for Arkansas next Saturday. It's still early in the season, and if we remember 2006 we got to the NC game with one loss. Yes it was a heartbreaking loss, but we need to learn from our mistakes, stop crying over spilled milk and move forward. It is indeed going to be difficult, but not impossible. Our kids, coaches and fanbase need to keep the faith.


Gator Fan

Amen, MikeStone. I thought the Florida people were better than that. We like that they have represented the SEC well, but, , damn, it's the SEC. Anybody can beat anybody. Well, except MSU and Arkansas this year.


Funny how these Ole Miss fans come out of the woodwork every few years when their team is good enough to not lose to Memphis.

I'm sure we'll be rid of these guys once their team becomes inconsequential once again.

Unfortunately for them, the Gators will still be here.

Enjoy your "greatest weekend in Ole Miss history". Good luck in the Egg Bowl this year.


Gator Fan
Hey MikeStone, this is the SEC. Every freaking stadium is hostile towards opposing fans, especially if you're sitting near the student section... which is where most Ole Miss fans will be in Ben Hill. The Swamp is the toughest environment to play in. Don't expect Gator fans to be your friends on a day when we lost a home game.


^^^Haha! Good for you guys! Making the cover of SI is a major accomplishment. I hope one day our little program here in Gainesville can accomplish that feat. Man, I wonder what it must feel like to have a winning football team. I'm sure you rebel fans can enlighten me since you guys are so used to it.

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
Rebs on the Cover of SI, boy, that must hurt.

Well, la-di-freaking-da.

Mannings (and BTW I HATE them all), take your smack to an Ole Miss board. You've made your point, so there's no need to keep antagonizing us any further. Your colleague got up on his soapbox about our apparent lack of manners - what do you think you're doing with this little dig?

Enough is enough.


Gator Fan
First of all, Houston Nutt's daughters were physically moved by cops after the game when they tried to give dad a hug for a winning a big game.

How is that the fans' fault (assuming the cops were in the wrong for doing so)?

Second, some fans cursed some Reb fans, made derogatory comments about them.

That happens at every Division I-A football game in America. Have you ever been to one?

Third, a Reb fan asked for a piece of grass from the field from a reporter and some cop really overreacted in taking it from him when he went to hand it to the good Rebel.

So you're upset that the police (again, how is this a fan problem?) not a didn't allow one of your fans to commit an act of vandalism? What's wrong with you?

Have fun during the rest of the season. Even with our loss, we are still capable of winning the East, winning the SEC and competing in a BCS bowl. Can you say the same about the Rebels?

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