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Gator Gameday 11/11: "Like deja vu all over again..."


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...In so many ways.
Ah well. Here's one way: Back in 1979, I was a sophmore at UF, we had just brought in Bear Bryant protege Charlie Pell to somehow dig us out of the hole that Bill Dicky had dug and by then BURIED us in. We were nonetheless full of optimism, and certainly didn't blame Charlie for what ensued that FIRST season under him: 0-10-and 1--and trust me, we were WORSE than our record indicated. So bad, in fact, that we actually had mainly relaxed about the whole damn THING for a season: We gave the Coach and his thin collection of "talent" (very few) and "a buncha other guys" who either'd lost whatever "pride" or "promise" along the way, or hadn't been anything LIKE "promising" to begin with. We did have a FEW "mighta beens" and ONE actual "class act" who was truly fine--a great player and even better young man, WR Cris Collinsworth.
Point here is, tho, from early on in the season, most couldn't miss the evidence staring at us from the field: We couldn't beat ANYONE--So we just relaxed and PARTIED ON. Doubt I need go into details...but have to say, in retrospect it was probably the most "just plain FUN" I ever had at (then still) Florida Field (pre-Spurrier, not "The Swamp" yet): a season-long social scene of drinking, joking and "hookin' up" that earned us Playboy's "Number One Party School" during that time.
I have all kinds of stories we still tell each other on the rare occasions a few of us still get together now decades later. The one that immed comes to mind, time-'o-year and all, is what turned out to be the last Gator "Halloween Ball", held (what turned out to be the last time) in the "quadrangle", the "park" outside the library, between the 13th St University gates and the bell tower. A complete descent into wild drunken barbarism by both sexes. After that they "cancelled" the "Ball", renamed it really ("Halloween Festival") and held a fully funded and more formalized affair in the new "Bandshell", tucked away further into campus on the far side of the stadium. "The Ball" had been a "student tradition" neither funded nor "approved" by anyone, and its plunge into "fully extreme" I always thought was one more symptom of us basically having to cut ourselves off from our "normal" coming together to support our football team and its efforts, and the just "naturally" finding a ways and means to pour that out somewhere, somehow-- and on the night of 10/31, there it WAS.
Anyway, obviously this ISN'T quite the same situation, and times are different etc etc--but for me, I find that for the first time SINCE that season, I am feeling an echo of that same "relieved of caring so MUCH" at the team's performance and outcome overall in any particular game ahead. I'd love to see us beat (of all people) MUSSCHAMP'S charges on Sat, especially at THEIR place--but I don't have much tension, deep emotion in the matter. I may watch, but mainly more like a coach scouting potential recruits:
"Who will we be looking to depend on in the future?" "Where are we particularly thin?" "WHO REALLY WANTS IT?".
And so one.
...Oh, and who wants another beer? Grab the guy next time he's within eatshot...


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I think the only thing going for Gainesville in 1979 (OK besides being Playboy's number one party school) was the release of Damn the Torpedoes from G-Ville's own Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. I know Petty and Benmont Tench were born in G-Ville and Tom briefly worked in UF, Mike Campbell born Panama Beach, raised in J-Ville, and briefly went to UF (he was rejected the music program), and Ron Blair and Stan Lynch were born elsewhere but was apart of the G-Ville music scene and Lynch did graduate from PK Yonge HS (at least according to his Wikipedia page). Back to football, Pell did lead the Gators back the top but the NCAA hammered them for violations under Pell. Granted that was selected enforcement (seriously Ponzi U can go from crap to champions in four or five years and when the Gators started to rise the NCAA was like, we can't let that happen). Not to mention, the Gators were punish DURING THE SEASON in 1984. Has that been done before or since? I doubt it. F--K THE NCAA. ALSO F--K THE SEC at the time especially after SMU was able to keep their SWC championship even though they couldn't play in a bowl in 1981. That year (1984) should have been the Gators year (BYU played a weak schedule and so did Washington). Granted now we can't blame the NCAA for the Gators problems (expect for the Will Grier situation, that was bad). Let's face it, things felt apart after the lost in the 2009 SEC Championship Game with Urban Meyer's "health" situation (OK OK unsure how bad/serious it was I'm sure there was a concern for him and his family but still sore he only took a year off from coaching and went to those clowns in Ohio). In 2010, Meyer should have just left and let Addazio coach. That wasn't a good season. We had high hopes for Muschamp and McElwain and we know how that ended up.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Fun fact: the Fighting Muschamps have the #114 ranked offense. The Mighty Gators have the #111 ranked offense.


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I think the only thing going for Gainesville in 1979 (OK besides being Playboy's number one party school) was the release of Damn the Torpedoes from G-Ville's own Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. I know Petty and Benmont Tench were born in G-Ville and Tom briefly worked in UF, Mike Campbell born Panama Beach, raised in J-Ville, and briefly went to UF (he was rejected the music program), and Ron Blair and Stan Lynch were born elsewhere but was apart of the G-Ville music scene and Lynch did graduate from PK Yonge HS (at least according to his Wikipedia page). Back to football, Pell did lead the Gators back the top but the NCAA hammered them for violations under Pell. Granted that was selected enforcement (seriously Ponzi U can go from crap to champions in four or five years and when the Gators started to rise the NCAA was like, we can't let that happen). Not to mention, the Gators were punish DURING THE SEASON in 1984. Has that been done before or since? I doubt it. F--K THE NCAA. ALSO F--K THE SEC at the time especially after SMU was able to keep their SWC championship even though they couldn't play in a bowl in 1981. That year (1984) should have been the Gators year (BYU played a weak schedule and so did Washington). Granted now we can't blame the NCAA for the Gators problems (expect for the Will Grier situation, that was bad). Let's face it, things felt apart after the lost in the 2009 SEC Championship Game with Urban Meyer's "health" situation (OK OK unsure how bad/serious it was I'm sure there was a concern for him and his family but still sore he only took a year off from coaching and went to those clowns in Ohio). In 2010, Meyer should have just left and let Addazio coach. That wasn't a good season. We had high hopes for Muschamp and McElwain and we know how that ended up.
Ya got THAT right, Lf. All of it.
As I remember that fall, our collective theme song around campus was already "Breakdown", from the first album, and "Damn the Torpedoes" just hit like a freight train--so many great songs-and somehow perfectly timed and placed right there, right then. I can't think of a better match of artist, his home and pride in it, with a major campus full of people who identified with both--hell, it was even intertwined with the song lyrics ("...cars goin' by, out on 441, like waves, crashin' on the beach..." etc) and all the power and spirit of being young and why we were THERE in the first place, at that place and at that time.
Tom had already disbanded Mudcrutch, had gone off to find the inevitable fame and recognition he so well-deserved, by the time I got to UF; I WAS "friends of friends" and family through other musicians and folk still around, didn't meet and get to know he and the Heartbreakers until the mid-80s in LA (my work and eventual career brought the opportunity--but truly our mutual love of and experiences in N Fla, all being died-in-the-wool GATORS, ultimately, made it something real and shared) ...One of their least-selling albums is my favorite: "Southern Accent" came out at a time I now recall with warmth and appreciation as, in retrospect, one of the best and happiest times of my life--second only to my time in G-ville at UF itself...no coincidence there).
As for the NCAA and the SEC, if anything, to this day "FUCK 'EM!" doesn't even begin to say it strongly enough--but it does sum it well, shortly and succinctly. Why waste an ounce more of energy or frustration on all the f'ed up crap we can't change now?
The first thing I learned as a child Gator fan, lore passed on among and from cousins, uncles and older friends, was how and why the penalty flags in games, rulings as far as punishments, rankings, bowl games, suspensions and on and on, were without fail UNJUST--hard on us, absurdly lenient to the point of blindness as regards to everyone else. And it held true from the moment I got to UF myself, until today.
Then there is the whole "Meyer thing":
I mean, while he was hungry and interested, who can argue he didn't get the right young men, kept a lid on it all and operated well in "the gray areas" somehow, and brought our program back to Spurrier-levels again. But then he lost interest--who knows how and/or why--and the two-faced, fork-tongued SLEAZINESS of the man emerged.
I don't even WANNA descend into a rant, splash in the smelly muck he made of us and everyone, everything around him--but one point I have to note, now that you mention it: As much of a mess as it was in so many ways, the WORST part was how he was given that office inside the athletic dept the year after he "officially" stepped aside, still with full budget and access supposedly representing UF--and then it turned out he had used it all first to arrange and negotiate his move to and contract WITH OSU, all the while still keeping it all secret and meantime raiding our lists to go after UF's recruiting prospects and recruits for his next job, all on the down-low before anyone but a handful of his future-bosses and boosters at OSU (and certainly NOT our people) even KNEW about it.
Talk about "biting the hand"!...This f*ck gnawed, FEASTED on it. There oughtta be a LAW--prob IS, an "NCAA bylaw" at LEAST, but just another case of such being ignored if/when it works against the University of Florida.
I know how it sounds. BUT: It ain't "paranoia" if they really ARE out to get ya...
Don't have to tell YOU, it's been a dark "comedy" that no Gator is laughing at, ever since: Addazio, the de Facto "Coach" (one who has since proven himself inadequate to even the progressively lower-standards his succeeding jobs required or expected) that ensuing "Year of the Phony Meyer", then two disastrously poor choices since then, each sucking more and more time, money, resources, pride and respect from our program.
If we don't get it right THIS time, the road back will be long indeed--a decade or more, I fear. But that's a subject for another time, if at all--it is my fervent hope that it will be just a footnote, a might-of-been, an off season theoretical arguing point at some future time when we are once again among the handful "elite annual contenders".


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@DRU2012 I read his biography and saw his Behind the Music that Southern Accents probably wasn't their best work because drugs came into the picture (bad plus probably lead to the death of Howie Epstein who died of a Heroin overdose nearly 20 years after Southern Accent), it was done in Tom's house (bad), and Dave Stewart of the Eurythmics fame (and a neighbor of Tom's) came into add some songs (bad consider the album was supposed to be in touch with their Southern Roots) and Tom broke his left hand and Mike was hospitalized due to exhaustion. In fairness, without Stewart no "Don't come around here no more" which was the only hit from that album plus that music video was one of their best. Actually at one point, it was supposed to be Stevie Nicks song. Also Mike Campbell wrote the music for Boys of Summer but Tom even though he liked passed on the song and Mike gave it to Don Henley. Also don't come around here no more is a theme song directly at Coach Mac and Meyer (I like to said MusChomp but he's coaching in USCarolina). Speaking of which really not looking forward the game because if the team couldn't beat Mizzou I doubt the Gators can beat Chomp's guys.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)


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@DRU2012 I read his biography and saw his Behind the Music that Southern Accents probably wasn't their best work because drugs came into the picture (bad plus probably lead to the death of Howie Epstein who died of a Heroin overdose nearly 20 years after Southern Accent), it was done in Tom's house (bad), and Dave Stewart of the Eurythmics fame (and a neighbor of Tom's) came into add some songs (bad consider the album was supposed to be in touch with their Southern Roots) and Tom broke his left hand and Mike was hospitalized due to exhaustion. In fairness, without Stewart no "Don't come around here no more" which was the only hit from that album plus that music video was one of their best. Actually at one point, it was supposed to be Stevie Nicks song. Also Mike Campbell wrote the music for Boys of Summer but Tom even though he liked passed on the song and Mike gave it to Don Henley. Also don't come around here no more is a theme song directly at Coach Mac and Meyer (I like to said MusChomp but he's coaching in USCarolina). Speaking of which really not looking forward the game because if the team couldn't beat Mizzou I doubt the Gators can beat Chomp's guys.
Yeah, I know--"Southern Accents" is uneven as a total work...but that first "side" of the album (yes, first copy I had of it was vinyl--this was still in the record-to-cd transition period). The theme of the work, one I identified strongly with at the time (I was committed to my career, but at the same time was really missing Florida). It all came during what was the most important, "upwardly mobile" time professionally--and I was getting to know and work with some of the people I most respected in the music world, too. So I have a lot of personal reasons for being particularly attached to it.
As for the rest, well, it was the mid-80s in HOLLYWOOD USA. To be honest and fair, I wasn't inclined (nor in retrospect, entitled) to judge or claim any high ground...I made a lot of mistakes, choices I eventually came to regret myself, during that time--all in the name of "career", expediency, and the tide of "the Hollywood scene" we were all a part of then. It is easy to lose your way and compromise one's values when everyone around you--including folks you like, respect and are proud to hang with--is swept up along with you. Not an excuse', but nonetheless true. In the end, you pay--and hope you learn. That's (literally) life.


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Meanwhile, I have been watching this game with one eye (well, maybe HALF an eye)...More reasons why it is a good thing I have been able to cutdown on my level-of-emotional investment on gameday.
Showing all kinds of heart, getting all kinds of opportunities as a result--and not cashing 'em in, really: 4 SOLID chances, followed up with drives into the red zone...and coming out of it with 2 field goals. And now, losing ANOTHER QB!
Malik is done, possibly for the season AND his college career. Certainly not today--and I doubt I'll be around for the 2nd half either.
Though each unit has made big efforts, shown heart and drive, NEITHER offense NOR defense coming thru "when it counts" today. It'll get worse from here, as it all sinks in again.
I wouldn't blame them if they circle the wagons and just try and not get hurt--but no: Here are our kids still GOIN' for it, trying to drive the field directly after getting it done on THEM to make it 21-6 USC(e). I care less about the outcome on the game now than our fight, the pride they show.
(Aw man, the slomo of Malik getting hurt, the "bend backwards knee"- thing...DAMN! WE GOTTA GET SOME O-LINEMEN! So proclaims "Master of the Obvious")
Well, now we find out about the state of FRANKS' heart.


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Finally. You know, with a healthy, deeper line, a healthy and experienced starting QB, and an AD who actually HAS a functioning offensive mind and a pair'o'cajones to go WITH it, we might have a "top 50-or-better" offense NOW.
Of course, at this point, that seems like "aiming high" on my part.


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That early shoulda-been "GATOR Pick 6" that he fumbled back at the goalline pretty well characterized the day-to-come--maybe the whole season. Hell, I'll give this team props if they manage to NOT fall apart in the 2nd half--but that'll only mean that the play I note above ends up being all the more "the difference maker".
See why I HAD to boost my "emotional filter", severely limit my personal involvement in the actual SCORE???


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Yeah, that'll do it for me. Half's about over, bout to get underway again--and we are NOT going to witness a sudden "blooming of the Gator offense". Best we MIGHT manage is a tightened-up D somehow wrapping 'em up, and we play "rope a dope" offense the rest of the way to MAYBE keep it close from here-- bore the CRAP outta America and maybe knock the shit outta The Angry Dumbass's charges on the other side of the field...
Still TRYING not to care much about the score, like I keep saying...Ok ok--prob still trying somewhat to convince MYSELF.


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Yeah, I better get outta here. Our D has definitely devolved, overall. I'm talkng about over the course of the season--but the problem is being highlighted in this game: Little ADJUSTMENT at the half.
Hate it.


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Just now getting off work, from what I tracked on ESPN, was Zaire was pretty bad? Frank's play better than usual?


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Just now getting off work, from what I tracked on ESPN, was Zaire was pretty bad? Frank's play better than usual?
Malik WAS playing well, seemingly finding his balance and comfort zone--starting to look like the QB Notre Dame recruiters and Gator coaches each noted and hoped he'd grow into with time and experience. Right up until he got his knee bent the exact wrong direction late in the 2nd qrtr.
Sigh. Franks wasn't bad, though. He continues to show growth, albeit somewhat unevenly--just like a freshman QB repeatedly forced on the field by injuries will often do.
But Malik was brilliant at times, breaking off big runs here and there, and throwing well WHEN the line gave him just a LITTLE time and protection. Of course, there wasn't a whole lot of even that not-quite-enough-time. And that is what knocked him out of game, possibly his college career, and maybe even any real chance as a pro.
But QB play isn't what killed us today. Though there was responsibility aplenty on EVERY Gator unit, cricial errors and breakdowns set and sealed our fate.
I stand by a comment above in particular:
There was an early "shoulda-been a Pick-6" where our safety made a great play on a throw from the SC QB, was bringing it IN--but was carrying the ball carelessly in his right hand, and got stripped of it at the goal line just as he was about to stretch it out THROUGH A CLUSTER OF PURSUERS AT THE 1-YARD LINE--and fumbling it back to the 'Cocks.
I said at halftime that that play would be the "difference maker", I thought, one way or another: That "at best", we would play 'em close rest of the way--and lose the game not having collapse in the 2nd half this time, but not having the offense (this was after the Zaire injury) to make up that one pivotal early play.
From the 2nd qrtr on, we played them at least even every way but on the scoreboard--and we actually OUTscored them there. But couldn't overcome all the self-inflicted wounds of the first quarter-plus. Certainly not with another QB starter knocked out. Not THIS offense.
Sigh. "Deja vu" another way.

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