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Based on what we've seen... title in 08?


VIP Member
Based on what we've seen thus far in 2007, do you think our defense can pull it together next year for a serious title run? I have no worries about the offense, just that secondary.


VIP Member
Probably. Will Hill and Major Wright can make our corners better by having 2 great safetys. But Wondy needs to be gone. Haden needs to grow. I never thought Id want Reggie Lewis back but him and Smith were great and Major will turn into another Eraser and Hill provides a bigger DB at 6-3 and play a mean Safety. Getting Finch back will help next yr and Jenkins Finley and Brown coming in next yr all as 4 star DBs will help our Secondary. And if Harvey stays for his SR year and Pouncey turns out to be good as I think he will be then we should be in good shape wiht our High Powered offense


Hayley Loves her gators
Pffffft I still think we can win the sec east, but what do I know. To early to think about next season ;)


VIP Member
Probably. Will Hill and Major Wright can make our corners better by having 2 great safetys. But Wondy needs to be gone. Haden needs to grow. I never thought Id want Reggie Lewis back but him and Smith were great and Major will turn into another Eraser and Hill provides a bigger DB at 6-3 and play a mean Safety. Getting Finch back will help next yr and Jenkins Finley and Brown coming in next yr all as 4 star DBs will help our Secondary. And if Harvey stays for his SR year and Pouncey turns out to be good as I think he will be then we should be in good shape wiht our High Powered offense

First of all, Wondy does not need to be gone. He has the makings of a great CB. He is new to the position. Our problem in the secondary this year is Joiner and Jackson. Second of all, Major Wright will NOT be another Reggie Nelson. Reggie Nelson is a FS, Wright is a SS. Will Hill is the next Reggie Nelson type safety. Harvey will most likely leave but who knows. More experience alone will make our defense better. A lot better. Wondy is not the problem.


Gator Fan
I think 2008 will be an outstanding year overall. We will keep every great player we have now, regardless of Heisman or SEC trophies, and all the good players will become great. Tebow can concentrate on his passing skills over the summer with the prospect of having an experienced group of ball carriers. Next year, opposing defenses will truly have no idea whether or not Tebow will keep this one or throw. Also, our secondary will be MUCH better at taking away the passing game.

SEC championship next year is a lock if we remain healthy. BCS Championship is nearly a lock, but you can never tell what those crazy computers will decided to do. :)


VIP Member
Joiner is SS this yr. Wright nd Jackson were playing FS all year. And Wondy hasnt been able to cover his own shadow this yr.

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