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Awesome Game


VIP Member
Wow...today's game sounded like an awesome one. I listened to it on Yahoo Sports and wow those guys were very entertaining.

I agreed with them when they said the QB sneak by Vandy should be reviewed and then not overturned. They said the whole crossing the plane is getting easier and easier. They hardly ever overturn a college call these days. Those guys thought for sure it was a fumble before he crossed the line and florida should have gotten the TD on the fumble return....I agree.

I though Harvin was awesome today. He sure does have the right number on his jersey. When it comes to running it he sure is #1 in my book.



Hayley Loves her gators
Best team in america ;) South Carolina lost tonight to arkansas, which means our hopes for the east championship is still good!!!! Have faith ;)


VIP Member
Best team in america ;) South Carolina lost tonight to arkansas, which means our hopes for the east championship is still good!!!! Have faith ;)

Actually. It didn't matter if USCe won or lost. We need to beat them this Saturday and Georgia and Tennessee each need to lose once. Otherwise we can not win. USCe's lost today didn't mean anything to us.:p


VIP Member
well.........exmacuse me!!!! lol :p who does georgia and tennessee have left?


11/10 #16 Auburn 3:30 PM
11/17 Kentucky TBD


11/10 Arkansas 12:30 PM
11/17 Vanderbilt TBD
11/24 at Kentucky 1:00 PM

None of those games are givens for either team. I like our chances, as long as we beat USCe.:p


Hayley Loves her gators
This is so easy, buy your ticket to new orleans, we're going!!! lemme tell ya why: Tenn will get beat by arkansas, darren mcfadden will run all over them, and Auburn will beat Georgia, cuz if troy could hang with georigia for as long as they did, auburn will win that game. if not kentucky can LOL, seeee I pay attention when it comes to my gators ;)

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